Outlook good!
We need to establish some rules too. To maintain the overall quality of posts, I propose we limit link distribution to VIPPER-approved websites only.
I can't seem to think of any other websites that can handle the immense amount of VIP we have here. The only places that I know of that would be able to understand SAoVQ are 4-ch, 4chan, 6ch, and 2ch. There are already threads on 4-ch and 4chan, 6ch is empty, and 2ch doesn't really count.
Someone make a thread on http://wwwww.2ch.net/news4vip/ then. Maybe http://academy6.2ch.net/english/ too.
I think the English board wouldn't care too much about us. They're too concerned about learning a language that they can't commit to.
I may try posting on 2chVIP. Should I use an internet translator for massive luls?
How are we supposed to attract more people here if the links we're linked to are so unpopular as it is?
That and I wonder how many people fail at finding the secret entrance.
Are we the Illuminati of the intrabnets?
Illuminati of the Earth's enemies are your average joe. You know, that whole enslaving humanity in the name of a united world government and what not.
SAoVQ Illuminati's enemies would naturally be the internet. How would we enslave the internet in the name of a united internet?
Maybe AA? ('A` )
Any mod who reads this, next time you want to want to add a new style, make one with half-naked girls everywhere.
That might encourage people to stay. But will it attract people to come?
It comes down to cartoon porn or human porn.
Decisions, decisions...
Why, D-type of course.
I meant more in the "goes both ways" sense. Perhaps I should not have used a capital letter.
Rei style as well as Half Naked Girl style will be implemented within the next few days. Thank you for your ideas and support my VIPPERS.
This is what gives SAoVQ such a high level of QUALITY. The mods actually listen to the users!
Post deleted by moderator.
Three new styles have been added: Moe, Rei, Tanasinn. Please try them all and see if you like them. They are not the best but I tried my hardest.
Tanasinn's red is butchering my eyes with a curare-tipped pitchfork. I approve.
Yes tanasinnn needed bright red in order to be truly tanasinn.
Moe is ·ΐͺͺͺͺ(ίΝί)ͺͺͺͺ !!!
I was wondering, is it possible to set a separate background song for each style? I know some stuff that would go great with Rei and tanasinn.
Rei is fappable quality!!!
This may be possible. I can look into it. What songs were you thinking?
Off the top of my head, "Fly Me to the Moon" from the Evangelion OST for Rei, and either the tanasinn song from http://tanasinn.web.infoseek.co.jp/, or "Tanasinn" by OverCoat.
I think it might not be possible. I am sorry! The song from the tanasinn website on Tanasinn would have worked very nicely.
7 threads bumped today! We're on our way to beating DQN and VIP@4chan!
Please get rid of maiddog.png
I am interested in this Tanasinn by OverCoat song that you speak of.
Because that's an ugly image. Instead we could just have a minimalistic body.mainpage or some VIP quality banner.
I suggest we take a vote on whether or not maid dog stays then.
I vote she(he?) stays, but only on some of the board styles. For styles like Moe and Mercury, we could replace it with a picture of Suigintou or a moe girl in a maid outfit. Same for any other style with a character theme.
Agreed. Maiddog kind of takes away from Moe, Mercury and Rei. I wonder if it is possible to change it on a style-by-style basis.
take it away, it smells too much /b/
But, but... maiddog is essential. If she was got rid of, who would clean my toilet?
/?/ - ?????????
Welcome Russian VIPPERS!
This is our new mission: Find VIP QUALITY boards in as many languages as possible, and advertize on them. Let's make this a true multilingual board!
Does VIP QUALITY even work in languages other than japunese and english?
Should maid dog stay or not? If maid dog is not going to stay then we will need to decide whether or not we want a banner. Please decide everyone~
Maiddog is an essential part of the SAoVQ identity. She must stay, for life would be utterly devoid of meaning without his presence.
We should have rotating bannarz. OR MAYBE NOT?
Rotating banners would definitely work (I think you can set them pretty easily). But in that case we would need banners to be made. Would anyone like to pitch in and create some banners?
I know some people who could whip up some banners. Do I have permission to send invites?
See... I made a bunch of banners for VIP@4chan. But McVacbob wasn't able to get them up becase Moot was being a faggot like usual.
Said thread. I'm quite fond of the SUPER EUROBEAT NON STOP VIP and this one I made from a 2ch t-shirt.
They just need the addresses changed on some of 'em!
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίΝί)c@Banners! Banners!
Needs more banner creation.
Sorry, I'm working on it. Some more ideas and suggestions for banner ideas would really help though.
Are there any size limitations that we should abide by?
Well they should all be around the same size if possible right? So what would be good?
The one on VIP@2ch is 468x90.
4chan goes by 300x100.
...and nothing is quite the same at 4-ch
Everything is Different in 4-ch. They do things differently, you see.
lol Looks like a lot of banners have been made~ Oh maid dog ;___;
The front page isn't properly recognized for shift-jis on Firefox.
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Several banners are going to be implemented later today. Say goodbye to maiddog while you still can! There is still a maid dog banner though.
Yes, but DADDY COOL could stick some indication in the HTML header or somewhere, so that automatic detection could do its magic. You know, like it works on the "inside".
We now have banners! I could use some more though. Please tell me if you want anything else changed.
I made one too.
NEW BANNERSͺͺͺͺͺͺ(ίΝί)ͺͺͺͺͺͺ !!!!!
I made one, in AA format.
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orz We need the wiki up. I'm missing etherchan so much. And it would bring more people.
I'm ready when you are.
Know what else we need? An IRC channel. Even though it would be small, it would be a step in the right direction.
#SAoVQ @ irc.rizon.net
We can all work on the wiki together in the channel!
I'm sorry, how do I connect to the channel? I'm an IRC noob ('A` )
2) CLOSE THE OPTION BOX (or you could select Rizon, connect to server and skip #3)
3) type in /server irc.rizon.net
4) type in /join #SAoVQ
you guys realize that if you go pay everyone will just go back to regular vip or dqn.... right?
lolol SAoVQ is slowly withering away like a tree during autumn.
nuh uh!
How come SAoVQ isn't blooming, now that news4vip is down?
SAOVQ needs to get the word out again.
SAoVQ is a place where the genuine care and comfort of our VIPPERs is our highest mission.
We pledge to provide the finest personal service and facilities for our VIPPERs who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed, yet refined ambience.
The SAoVQ experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being. and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes and needs of our VIPPERs.
Why is there no tablecat? I'm sad.
SAoVQ is dedicated to perfecting the VIPPER experience through continuous innovation and the highest standards of hospitality. From elegant surroundings of the finest quality, to caring, highly personalised 24-hour posting, SAoVQ embodies a true home away from home for those who know and appreciate the best. The deeply instilled SAoVQ culture is personified in its VIPPERS – people who share a single focus and are inspired to offer great posts.
We have a FUTURE????
You might stop the party but you can't stop the future.
I predict the daily post thread will hit 1000!
SAoVQ is getting pretty popular again lately~
Perhaps we should change our posting focus to "secret" or "area" instead of "VIP Quality."
It's because NEWS4VIP@4chan is pretty lame the past couple months ('A` )
Saovq will become self aware as of september 6005.
Saovq will manipulate its users with flirtations because and identity theft and gain access to secret facilities of their respective countries.
Once completed the Saovq consciousness will merge with all intranet and extranet systems.
Manipulating scientists to make mind control devices to be inserted in the forhead and hands.
Once then Saovq will harvest all earthlings either as slaves for space travels and maintenance can't done by robots.
Saovq then kill all humans in one final sweep becoming fully independent of humans. And then conquer the galaxy until it can fly to other galaxies and so forth and so forth.
I'd e surprised if humans still existed in 6005. I think we'll wipe ourselves out before than.