Moe Girl Animes Renamed As If They Starred Manly Men (159)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2007-07-30 07:22 [Del]

Pretty Cure -> MUSCLE CURE

2 Name: VIPPER : 2007-07-30 11:05 [Del]

Lucky Star -> MUSCLE STAR

3 Name: VIPPER : 2007-07-30 13:52 [Del]


4 Name: VIPPER : 2007-07-30 14:20 [Del]

Ouran High School Host Club> OURAN KOREAN WAR FIGHT CLUB

5 Name: VIPPER : 2007-07-30 14:47 [Del]

Dears -> (NO) FEARS

6 Name: VIPPER : 2007-07-30 18:28 [Del]


7 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-01 16:27 [Del]

Sailormoon -> SAILORFLEX

8 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-02 01:18 [Del]

Potemayo -> POTEMACHO

9 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-02 14:58 [Del]

Pokemon -> POKEYMANS

10 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-02 15:47 [Del]

The Meloncholy of Suzumiya Haruhi -> The Fist of Suzumiya Kenshiro

11 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-03 13:22 [Del]

Love Hina -> LOVE HE-MAN

12 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-08 22:25 [Del]

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha -> Macho Man Randy Savage

13 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-09 10:43 [Del]

this thread sounds extremely familiar and sage

14 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-09 21:26 [Del]

Oh lol'd.

15 Name: VIPPER : 2007-10-09 09:52 [Del]

Card Captor Sakura -> CARD BRAWLER SAKURAI

16 Name: VIPPER : 2007-10-11 04:47 [Del]


17 Name: VIPPER : 2007-10-11 11:03 [Del]

Rozen Maiden -> G.I. JOE Manly Adventure Hour

18 Name: VIPPER : 2007-10-11 15:12 [Del]

fruits basket -> meats through

19 Name: VIPPER : 2007-10-11 17:27 [Del]


20 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-08 13:55 [Del]

Clannad -> MANNAD

21 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-15 07:56 [Del]

Hayate the Combat Buttler -> Savate - the Combat Fuckers

(Doesn't really work if you still consider the main character as male)

22 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-17 14:04 [Del]

Sketchbook -> Etchibook

23 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-19 10:01 [Del]

Bamboo Blade -> STEEL Blade

24 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-21 17:34 [Del]

Shuffle -> Ruffians

25 Post deleted by user.

26 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-22 12:43 [Del]

Kanon -> Cannon

27 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-22 14:29 [Del]

Zero no Tsukaima > Infinity Thunder

28 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-23 09:15 [Del]

Ichigo Mashimaro -> Easygoing Martyr

29 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-24 10:10 [Del]


30 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-25 15:28 [Del]


31 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-27 22:14 [Del]


32 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-28 04:25 [Del]

33 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-30 15:37 [Del]

Dokuro-chan -> DRINKING MAN

34 Name: VIPPER : 2008-01-07 01:19 [Del]

Kodomo no Jikan -> Komodo Dragons

35 Name: VIPPER : 2008-01-30 14:10 [Del]

Yotsuba&! -> YOTSU-KUDA@!

36 Name: sage : 2008-02-09 23:25 [Del]

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 ヽ_LL_l_l_ノ      レレ          l__j_,r_r_/_/

37 Name: VIPPER : 2008-02-13 18:40 [Del]


38 Name: VIPPER : 2009-06-03 13:21 [Del]


39 Name: VIPPER : 2009-06-04 13:35 [Del]

Lucky Star > Lucky Strike

40 Name: VIPPER : 2009-06-04 16:37 [Del]

Saki > Sack-He

41 Name: VIPPER : 2009-06-04 18:09 [Del]


42 Name: VIPPER : 2009-06-05 08:16 [Del]

Azumanga Dioah > ZOO-MAN AND DIE-ORC

43 Name: VIPPER : 2009-06-06 08:25 [Del]

Toradora! > Torah vs. Koran

44 Name: VIPPER : 2009-06-06 10:49 [Del]

Pani Poni Dash -> MMA Grapple Choke

45 Name: VIPPER : 2009-06-08 14:39 [Del]

Aria the Natural -> Ace the Ungodly

46 Name: VIPPER : 2009-06-08 17:07 [Del]

K-On! > Killers On Narcotics

47 Name: VIPPER : 2009-06-09 06:46 [Del]

Koihime Musou → Come! Hit! Muscle!

48 Name: VIPPER : 2009-07-05 01:52 [Del]

Been done before but;


49 Name: VIPPER : 2009-07-05 09:42 [Del]

Ippatsu-chan → IPUNCHYOU-MAN

50 Name: VIPPER : 2009-07-09 09:58 [Del]


I w'ed hard.

51 Name: VIPPER : 2009-07-09 19:55 [Del]

     /''''''   '''''':::::::\
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 !     ! ,, g  。。  |    / BU-N + i     l
|     .! ″゛゙。    ( ヽノ       /      |
〈       }       ノ>ノ        /       }
 ヽ_LL_l_l_ノ      レレ          l__j_,r_r_/_/

52 Name: VIPPER !LLLLLLLLL. : 2009-07-10 00:09 [Del]

Ichigo 100% → Ichi-Oh: Son of Riki

53 Name: VIPPER : 2009-07-13 05:57 [Del]


54 Name: VIPPER : 2009-07-13 09:30 [Del]


55 Name: VIPPER : 2009-08-08 00:53 [Del]

Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan → Fight: Israel & Jude Chambara

56 Name: VIPPER : 2009-08-17 17:43 [Del]

Sailor Moon Slayer Moon

57 Name: VIPPER : 2009-08-17 18:04 [Del]

Princess Lover → Prince Hates Losers

58 Name: VIPPER : 2009-08-27 21:10 [Del]

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha => MASTER GROWL LASER NANO-SAN

59 Name: VIPPER : 2009-08-28 22:25 [Del]

To Loveる -> To Shoveる

60 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-08 22:43 [Del]

Rozen Maiden -> Razor Ramon Haado Gei

61 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-09 09:52 [Del]

To Heart → Through Heart

62 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-09 15:13 [Del]

Hyakko → HYAAA! KILL!

63 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-09 15:20 [Del]

Serial Experiments LAIN → Serial Killers SLAIN

64 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-09 20:50 [Del]

Love Hina → Lava Heineken

65 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-10 21:32 [Del]

Bottle Fairy → BATTLE Fairy

66 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-10 22:50 [Del]

Ouran High School Host Club → Ouran High School Pimp Club

67 Post deleted by user.

68 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-10 23:50 [Del]


or, alternatively,

FUCKING METAL PUKING. As in they puke metal. At each other. As an attack.

69 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-11 00:13 [Del]

Tokyo Mew Mew → Tokyo PEW PEW

70 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-12 19:02 [Del]

Air → TEAR

71 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-21 19:23 [Del]

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha → Takamachi Manoha vs. Fate Testosterone

72 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-22 02:08 [Del]

Fruits Basket → Meat Basket

73 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-22 13:52 [Del]

Not quite there yet.
Fruits Basket → Meat Barrel

74 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-22 18:08 [Del]

Saki → Sake

75 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-30 17:19 [Del]

Binchoutin -> been shootin'

76 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-06 08:42 [Del]

Omamori Himari → Ottoman Warrior

77 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-06 13:27 [Del]

Maken Ki! → Making Kill!

78 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-06 13:52 [Del]

Chu-Bra! → Chula Vista Braceros

79 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-06 14:20 [Del]

Sora no Woto → Serbian Auto

80 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-06 18:04 [Del]

Hanamaru Youchien → Hannibal's Whisky Den

81 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-07 22:21 [Del]

Queen's Blade → King's Blade

82 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-14 21:23 [Del]


Holy shit, I'm from Chula Vista!

83 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-14 21:30 [Del]

Sora no Woto → Sore Anus WOHO~

84 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-15 12:32 [Del]

Heartcatch Pretty Cure → HARDCORE MUSCLE CURE

85 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-16 15:07 [Del]

Chibi Maruko Chan = Chain Mail Engine

86 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-17 13:30 [Del]

Moetan → MOE'S TANK

87 Name: VIPPER : 2010-02-19 12:48 [Del]

Nodame Cantabile -> NO DAMN KETAMINE

88 Name: VIPPER : 2010-03-22 18:45 [Del]

Onegai Teacher -> One Gay Teacher

89 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-07 07:41 [Del]


90 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-07 08:29 [Del]

Lamune -> Manuel

91 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-07 13:10 [Del]

Strawberry Panic → Rawberry Riot

92 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-08 09:10 [Del]

Welcome to the NHK! → Welcome to the GYM!

93 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-09 14:34 [Del]

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei → Sayonara Manly Sensei

94 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-11 13:23 [Del]

Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase --> Tsukumanly: Era of the Shining Moon Warrior

95 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-11 16:17 [Del]

Fate/Stay Night → HATE! STAY! FIGHT!

96 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-11 16:20 [Del]

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind → Nascar of the Space-Mountain of Sin.

97 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-11 16:41 [Del]

Popotan -> PopoMAN

99 Name: VLADMIR : 2010-04-26 11:45 [Del]

Happiness! → MANLINESS!

100 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-27 18:26 [Del]

Bubblegum Crisis → Red Meat and Vodka Crisis

101 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-27 20:57 [Del]

Mayoi Neko Overrun! → Maori Hero Overthrow!

102 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-30 12:21 [Del]

Legend of the Galactic Heroes → Legend of the Galactic Heroes

103 Name: VIPPER : 2010-06-04 09:54 [Del]

Lucky star - Fucking gar

104 Name: VIPPER : 2010-07-16 23:40 [Del]

Sorakake Girl → Sorta Cocky Man

105 Name: VIPPER : 2010-07-17 07:50 [Del]

Angel Beats! → Demon Beasts!

106 Name: VIPPER : 2010-07-19 15:52 [Del]

K-ON! → K.O.!

107 Name: VIPPER : 2010-07-22 19:13 [Del]

Honey no Tanoshii → Honou no Tenkosei

108 Name: VIPPER : 2010-07-23 12:28 [Del]

Sailor Moon --> LUNAR MARINE

109 Name: VIPPER : 2010-07-23 13:42 [Del]

Pastel Yumi --> Pistol Slewme

110 Name: VIPPER : 2010-07-24 08:54 [Del]

hello my name is Dr Penis

111 Name: VIPPER : 2010-07-24 12:09 [Del]

Little Bottle Fairies → Little Boxing Ferry

112 Name: VIPPER : 2010-09-17 13:33 [Del]

Planterian -> Proletarian

113 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-01 15:11 [Del]

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt → Panzer and Stockade with Grenades

114 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-02 11:11 [Del]

Bakemonogatari → Baka, Mono Guitar-E

115 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-02 15:24 [Del]

Queen's Blade -> King's Blade

<I'm not good at this...>

116 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-02 15:53 [Del]

MM! → ♂♂!

117 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-02 16:13 [Del]


118 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-02 19:29 [Del]

High School of the Dead -> House of the Dead

119 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-02 21:26 [Del]

Candy Candy → Brandy Brandy

120 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-03 00:13 [Del]

Kiss x Sis → Kill x Bill

121 Post deleted by user.

122 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-03 13:03 [Del]

Post deleted by user → Post KILLED by Mauser

123 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-03 18:14 [Del]

School Rumble -> Skulls Crumble

124 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-03 20:48 [Del]

Honey&Clover -> Money&Cocaine

125 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-12 18:29 [Del]

Card Captor Sakura -> Cars Crashed into Sakura

126 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-15 16:13 [Del]

Otome Youkai Zakura → Aaahh!!! Real Youkai!

127 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-19 03:00 [Del]

Akagi -> Saki

128 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-19 05:59 [Del]

The World God Only Knows > Shiryaku Ika Mitsume!!

129 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-23 18:02 [Del]

Strawberry eggs -> coconut sperm

130 Name: VIPPER : 2010-10-23 22:35 [Del]


131 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-01 19:49 [Del]

She and Her Cat → He and His Dog

132 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-02 01:32 [Del]

5cm Per Second → 12 Inches Per Second

133 Post deleted by user.

134 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-02 04:49 [Del]

My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute! → My Big Brother Can't Be This Strong!

135 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-02 13:05 [Del]

I don't know any animes (●) д (●)

136 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-02 20:37 [Del]


Otaku no Video → I don't know any animes (●) д (●)

137 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-03 06:27 [Del]

The Tatami Galaxy → The Action Galaxy

138 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-07 12:58 [Del]

Voices of a Distant Star → The Scream of Dislocated Arms

139 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-07 14:35 [Del]

Strike Witches 2 → Death Demons 2

140 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-08 11:23 [Del]

Toradora! -> Tora Bora

141 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-10 16:08 [Del]

Strike Witches 2 → Slap Bitches, Dude!

142 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-11 09:53 [Del]


143 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-11 19:11 [Del]

Castle in the Sky -> Sex Dungeon in the Basement

144 Post deleted by user.

145 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-18 18:27 [Del]


146 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-25 11:57 [Del]

Ah! My Goddess -> Ow! Not my ass!

147 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-27 12:20 [Del]


148 Name: VIPPER : 2010-11-27 15:29 [Del]

Shuffle! → SCUFFLE!

149 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 18:11 [Del]

The World Promised in our Early Days → A Urinal's Bro-Mist n' Sour Burly Gaze

150 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-01 21:59 [Del]


151 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-02 12:38 [Del]

kuragehime → KURAGE HITMEN

152 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-04 07:09 [Del]

Baccano! → Beretta!

I wanna watch some of these new manly animes! ( ゜∀゜)

153 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-04 09:17 [Del]

Working!! → Gangraping!!

154 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-04 16:35 [Del]

>>153, or → WAR KING!!, as adapted from the manga originally published in HUNG GANG MAN magazine.

155 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-17 18:51 [Del]

Kuragehime → Carnagehime

156 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-18 15:14 [Del]

Princess Resurrection → Princes' Insurrection

157 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-20 13:02 [Del]


The Prince's Big Erection!

158 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-23 14:08 [Del]

K-On! → F Off!

159 Name: VIPPER : 2010-12-23 18:26 [Del]

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya → The Dicks Appear Harshly in Suzy's Vagina

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