Ask me anything.
Does it taste better than unsalted hair?
Is there a dash of pepper in there?
Are there any transfatty acids in your hair????
Lot of questions, not many answers.
Why is the Earth spherical?
Scientists made it that way, with machines. It used to be flat.
I paid Daddy Cool in magic salt to gain access to the SAoVQ.
I spent extravagant fortunes. Ones that you read about in fiction. More talents than you can ever hope to imagine was spent on me getting in here.
So um yeah. How much was this magic salt? Maybe I could get a refund.
i@LoMjIs... is this the source for the banner I am so familiar with? I may have discovered something bigger than myself...
i@EΝEj@Your coffee is done!
i@EΝEj@Don't drink that coffee! I just peed in it, woops!
I'm heartily enjoying these posts. Thank you for the immense VIP, dear Sage VIPPER
@@@@@@@Θ,.Θ@@Θ,.Θ@ Κ,,Κ@@@@@Hello everyone lets have tea and chat!@@@
@ ^άR iLEΦEMj(`₯Φ₯L)(ίΦί=)Ι^άR
@iRLΦ`j(@O@Ζ)(Β@Ζ )(Β@@)iOΦO@j
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(::::::::::l_ @¦ @¦ ¦ @¦ ¦ @¦ ¦¦R::::)
@@@@ _R\\\\\\\\\\\\\R
@@@/‘R It's Okay, you can just EAT ME!
@@ (EΝE)
@ ΌΌm
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ^@‘‘‘‘‘‘@@_ AH THE PAIN AND JOY OF BEING A VIPPER!
@@@@@@ @@@@@ ^@@‘‘‘‘‘‘@@@@_
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@@@@@@@|@@@@(@@@) :| @@@@ |@@(@@ (@@@@@@@| nom nom
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@@nom nom _@@)@@(@@ _^@@@@)@@@)@@..^
@@@@@@@ @@@R@@@@@@@@@@@@@@........:::::::
What's that ?
Spending some time in the SaoVQ Secret ClubHouse ?
We have no idea what you're talking about...