Is this... is this what they call... VIP quality...?
( ´o`)This thread ruin is awfully bare... the ancient VIPPERS must not have found it very interesting...
( ・∀・) I left the other ten pages in my room... I found a few interesting instances of AA art you seemed to have missed.
( ´∀` )Those were significant? I used them for the fire.
Hmm, this is very strange. There is what seems to be a button here. According to these glyphs it must be important. I guess I'll just press it!
/'''''' '''''':::::::\
. |(●), 、(●)、.:| +
| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|
. | `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::| +
\ `ニニ´ .:::::/ +
,,.....イ.ヽヽ、ニ__ ーーノ゙-、.
: | '; \_____ ノ.| ヽ i
| \/゙(__)\,| i |
> ヽ. ハ | ||
/'''''' ''''''::\
|(へ), 、(へ)、.| Isn't that dangerous?
| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .:| Well you're Indiana Jones so who cares!
| `-=ニ=- ' .:::::|
\ `ニニ´ ._/
(`ー‐--‐‐―/ ).|´
| | ヽ|
ゝ ノ ヽ ノ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/| | ,| | ,| |\
/ /| | \ ____,-,.=..=、-、____ ノ | |ヽ ヽ
| / | \_  ̄/ ,--、T,--、 |、 ̄ _ノ | ヽヽ
| | L  ̄L.,.
ヘ,※,,ノ´ 、,..l´ ̄ _| | |
| | / /ノ__,-v'''^''v‐、__ゝゝ ヽ | |
| | | ,-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-( ゝ.ヾ'^=^//ノ )-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐、 | | |
| | | ヽ ̄~‐‐ 、 `',‐- ノ、 ̄ ̄,´ゝ-‐~´ ,.-‐~ ̄ノ | | |
| | | ヽ (ソヽ/"" ~~^ ^~~ ゙゙゙ヽヽ/ヾ| / | | |
| | | / ,--、| | | ,‐‐、 〈 ,| | |
| | | _/ /===))ゝ____,...-‐↑‐-、.._____ノ)(===ヽ `‐;;、 l | |
| | | ∠ヽ |=l/ .|二=/´..|__丶:=二| ゝ=ノ /==ヽ |_ | |
||| ∠=:::::) /´| |==|~ |  ̄|:==| | ゝ ゝ===ヽ |||
/二二>==´ ノ 丿 ゝ=:|~ ̄l| ̄~~|::::=ノ ゝ `‐`==<二二::ヽ
( /{ミ三∀/ (____,.......-‐|_/ゝ..|....._ノ\_|‐-........____) `ゝ∀三彡} | )
\__|:::|二, _/ / `l ゝ `,二|:::|__ノ
~∨~´ ,..-‐'´ヽ_/ ,⊥ \___/ `‐、_ `~∨~
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| /Τ ̄ ゝ二ノ Τヽ `l
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∠lllll匚ノ  ̄ \ ノ □lllllゝ
,〃)))\,、-'‐-<lllll\ ∠llllll>-‐-、/(((ヘ
|/ ̄  ̄\|
On the wall there is a long thread containing many VIP posts, the quality the likes of which few have ever seen. It is glowing profusely. Indy quickly spots one referring to VIP-lantus. It reads...
>485 Name: VIPPER : 1020-04-44 220:23 [Del]
> ∧,,∧
> (;`・ω・) When you are VIP, VIP-lantus is in your HEART.
> / o━ヽニニフ))
> しー-J
What has happened to Indy/
What will he become?
How does he feel about all of this?
Find out in the next stunning installment of Indiana Jones and VIP-lantis!
Indy! Indy! Wake up!
-‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
/ /" `ヽ ヽ \
+ //, '/ ヽハ 、 ヽ
〃 {_{ノ `ヽリ| l │ i| +
レ!小l(●) (●)从 |、i|
ヽ|l⊃ (、_, ) ⊂⊃ |ノ│
/⌒ヽ__|ヘ トェェェェイ j /⌒i ! +
+ \ /:::::| l>,`ニニ´ イ/ /│
/:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |
`ヽ< | | ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' |
And so our adventurers began their travels to VIP-lantus. In their travels across the Shobonia Desert they stopped at the town of Vipparia. This is where our story picks up...
Ahh, that's the stuff! I haven't had a good beer in ages.
/'''''' '''''':::::::\
|(●), 、(●)、.:| +
| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|
| `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::| +
\ `ニニ´ .:::::/ +
_,,.、-i── {iヽ、 (,;'";,"`;,;`;;、
,-‐''" / iヽ -=- /| .i `ー-| ̄ ̄ ̄|,;
/i, / 〕 ''ー-' 〔 ;| ||'゚。 "o ||ー、
| | / i/i;;;i\ | | ||o 尿 ゚||ニ、i
| | ヽ、 |i i;;l ,|::| / .||。0_o||ー_ノ
,i | / |:| l;;;| .|::::|ヽ、 |___|`-'_
{ | | |::| ,|;;;|,i::::| | |:
/ | | |:ヽ|;;;;r'::::| | |::
( ´o`) It appears that even today, there are still those who still uphold the true nature of VIP. They understand it's something you strive for, and that obtaining access to SAoVQ doesn't grant instant VIP status, but is a stepping stone towards a truly VIP Quality lifestyle.
( ´∀` )Well what I want to know is, where's the popcorn?!
I refuse. By the time I'm through with you, you'll be paying me the VIP coins. ;)
/ー- __....!
/│ >‐- 、
< ヽー----- '" / +
`ー- ....____....ィi
. |(●), 、(●)、.:| +
| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|
. | `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::| +
\ `ニニ´ .:::::/ +
/ |_`ヽ , ノ\
/ > ヽ,-ー '`; < ヽ
人 ヽ i i / `;
/ ヽ, ヽ | | .| i |
/ 'Y .i .| | | | |
ヽ | .| | || | )
) ノ || .|| | (
ヽ^-イ | [日]ニ| | ノ
|__| | i i. | |_|
ト、_ゞ--、 | ./// | |)___
|| | |イヽ、 | .| ̄`i `i
|. | | i. ヽ| | | |
| | !´ .| | | |
|____|=-`; |__|_ノ_ノ
|___イ !,___|
/ ::| (_ \、
(ニニニノ `ヽ、ニニュ
Sure, why not. We don't have a young guy who is a thief, but for some reason now uses his sneaky abilities for good in our party yet.
/ー- __....!
/│ >‐- 、
< ヽー----- '" / +
`ー- ....____....ィi
. |(●), 、(●)、.:| +
| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|
. | `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::| +
\ `ニニ´ .:::::/ +
/ |_`ヽ , ノ\
/ > ヽ,-ー '`; < ヽ
人 ヽ i i / `;
/ ヽ, ヽ | | .| i |
/ 'Y .i .| | | | |
ヽ | .| | || | )
) ノ || .|| | (
ヽ^-イ | [日]ニ| | ノ
|__| | i i. | |_|
ト、_ゞ--、 | ./// | |)___
|| | |イヽ、 | .| ̄`i `i
|. | | i. ヽ| | | |
| | !´ .| | | |
|____|=-`; |__|_ノ_ノ
|___イ !,___|
/ ::| (_ \、
(ニニニノ `ヽ、ニニュ
I am so exhausted can we please take a break? This heat is killing me!
-‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
/ /" `ヽ ヽ \
+ //, '/ ヽハ 、 ヽ
〃 {_{ノ `ヽリ| l │ i| +
レ!小l(●) (●)从 |、i|
ヽ|l⊃ (、_, ) ⊂⊃ |ノ│
/⌒ヽ__|ヘ トェェェェイ j /⌒i ! +
+ \ /:::::| l>,`ニニ´ イ/ /│
/:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |
`ヽ< | | ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' |
The entire structure began to shake creating a large opening. Our adventurers walk inside when they are confronted by a strange creature...
This doesn't seem like a good idea guys! Let's just go back!
-‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
/ /" `ヽ ヽ \
+ //, '/ ヽハ 、 ヽ
〃 {_{ノ `ヽリ| l │ i| +
レ!小l(●) (●)从 |、i|
ヽ|l⊃ (、_, ) ⊂⊃ |ノ│
/⌒ヽ__|ヘ トェェェェイ j /⌒i ! +
+ \ /:::::| l>,`ニニ´ イ/ /│
/:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |
`ヽ< | | ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' |
I accept your challenge. What's the first riddle?
/ー- __....!
/│ >‐- 、
< ヽー----- '" / +
`ー- ....____....ィi
. |(●), 、(●)、.:| +
| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|
. | `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::| +
\ `ニニ´ .:::::/ +
/ |_`ヽ , ノ\
/ > ヽ,-ー '`; < ヽ
人 ヽ i i / `;
/ ヽ, ヽ | | .| i |
/ 'Y .i .| | | | |
ヽ | .| | || | )
) ノ || .|| | (
ヽ^-イ | [日]ニ| | ノ
|__| | i i. | |_|
ト、_ゞ--、 | ./// | |)___
|| | |イヽ、 | .| ̄`i `i
|. | | i. ヽ| | | |
| | !´ .| | | |
|____|=-`; |__|_ノ_ノ
|___イ !,___|
/ ::| (_ \、
(ニニニノ `ヽ、ニニュ
/ -‐' 'ー- \
. | (●),(、_,)、(●) ::|
| /,.ー-‐、i :::::|
| //⌒ヽヽ .::|
| ヽー-‐ノ :::::|
\:::::.  ̄ /
I know this one too! Just show him the map Indy!
-‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
/ /" `ヽ ヽ \
+ //, '/ ヽハ 、 ヽ
〃 {_{ノ `ヽリ| l │ i| +
レ!小l(●) (●)从 |、i|
ヽ|l⊃ (、_, ) ⊂⊃ |ノ│
/⌒ヽ__|ヘ トェェェェイ j /⌒i ! +
+ \ /:::::| l>,`ニニ´ イ/ /│
/:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |
`ヽ< | | ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' |
Shut up you idiot. That's obvious, anyone could have known that. Stop showing off.
/ ::\
| 、、\ / , , ::|
| (●), 、 (●)、 ::|
| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|
\ (.人,) .::/
/`ー‐---‐一''´ \
I remember this... The answer is, in your heart.
/ー- __....!
/│ >‐- 、
< ヽー----- '" / +
`ー- ....____....ィi
. |(●), 、(●)、.:| +
| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|
. | `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::| +
\ `ニニ´ .:::::/ +
/ |_`ヽ , ノ\
/ > ヽ,-ー '`; < ヽ
人 ヽ i i / `;
/ ヽ, ヽ | | .| i |
/ 'Y .i .| | | | |
ヽ | .| | || | )
) ノ || .|| | (
ヽ^-イ | [日]ニ| | ノ
|__| | i i. | |_|
ト、_ゞ--、 | ./// | |)___
|| | |イヽ、 | .| ̄`i `i
|. | | i. ヽ| | | |
| | !´ .| | | |
|____|=-`; |__|_ノ_ノ
|___イ !,___|
/ ::| (_ \、
(ニニニノ `ヽ、ニニュ
Correct! You may now continue and collect the treasure.
/'''''' '''''':::::::\
. |(●), 、(●)、.:| +
| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|
. | ` ∀ ' .:::::::| +
\ `ニニ´ .:::::/
/ |
/ .|
/ "⌒ヽ |.イ |
__ | .ノ | || |__
. ノく__つ∪∪ \
 ̄ ̄ヽつ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | ̄
Will our adventurers make it to Outpost #2 in time or will Nida Jr. get there first?!
Find out what happens in the next exciting episode of INDIANA JONES AND THE CITY OF VIP-LANTUS!
Our story resumes as Indy's friends race to find Nida Jr and save Indy before it is too late...
If we want to get to Outpost 2 before they do, we'll have to take a shortcut through the unVIPVILLAGE
/'''''' '''''':::::::\
|(●), 、(●)、..:|
| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|
| `-=ニ=- ' ..:::::::|
\ `ニニ´ ..:::::/
/ ヽ、_.,,_,, ::ノヽ
/ | | |.| \
/ /| | ヽ___ノ |\ \
/ / ┌‐‐' | \ ヽ
| / | | ヽヽ
| ヽ | | (_ノ
ヽ-'' | |
\ \_ノ
/\ \
// ヽ |
// ヽ |
ヽっ ヽ |
This was incredible... And a new board!
( ´∀`)
/ |
/ .|
/ "⌒ヽ |.イ |
__________ | .ノ | || |_
ノく__つ∪∪ \
__________((________ \
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽつ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | ̄
__________________| |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| |
Tears in my eyes
I just thought it was a little stupid. Otherwise, this is one amazing story.
I am sad this thread is not getting more attention, but alas that is the price of VIP QUALITY.
Truly well worth the read. Every would-be VIPPER needs to read this thread. I feel like I learned some things about being a VIPPER.
Would be hard to find VIP theatres to release it in. At least in my area.
I'm glad to see this thread was finished! I started watching it back in February but didn't want to ruin the story by posting. I was afraid you might have forgotten about it for a while. Good work VIPPER!
This thread is so fucking good, I wish I could have sexual intercourse with it.
/ ̄\ \ /
| ┬ r''^ヽ ‐┼‐ Y r''^ヽ | l
\_/| l、,,ノ .L | l、,,ノ l、__ノL
\ ☆
∧ ∧ | ☆
/ ヽ ./ ∧ (⌒ ⌒ヽ /
/ `、 / ∧ \ (´⌒ ⌒ ⌒ヾ /
/  ̄ ̄ ̄ `、 ('⌒ ; ⌒ ::⌒ )ドォォン
l. :::::::::l (´ ) `Д´)ノ /
|. -=・=- -=・=- ::::::::::l ☆─ (´⌒;: ::⌒`) :; )
.| \___/ :::::::::::::::::l (⌒:: :: ::⌒ )
ヽ \/ :::::::::::::::::::丿 / ( ゝ ヾ 丶 ソ ─
ヽ /
Trolling is NOT VIP Quality, under any circumstance, NO.
=⊃∧_∧≡⊃ミヽ☆_∧ ∩
. -つ <# `Д´>=つ `☆ ))∀`)// <= >>428
=つ つ≡ ☆*☆ググル /
I can't tell if this trolling thing is done in sarcasm or not.
Regardless, this thread has already achieved the level of VIP QUALITY so any more discussion on that unVIP subject in this thread will just hurt it.
This thread should be closed and archived, then linked on the front page.
So... much.... quality...
I've been noticing a lot of people talking about personal stuff so I thought I'd bump this thread.
I have just found this websight today, having previously only frequented one other BBS and finding it appallingly non-VIP Quality !
No stop you are ruining it oh god now I have desecrated the holy grounds forgive me