I use VIPPER, naturally. The blue text makes me feel important, a little sexy even.
I currently use Pseud0ch, eventually I will move up to VIPPER but it will take me a while to attain that level.
VIPPER because it's VIP QUALITY.
I use Toothpaste sometimes, but only in the morning. I'm not sure why.
I do not have anything worthwhile to say in this matter.
Pseud0ch at the moment.
Hmm. I see my post from 2007 in this thread. What follows is that I've been a VIPPER for over a year. It certainly doesn't feel this way.
You obviously forgot to pay the monthly tanasinn payments to DADDY COOL.
No wonder you can't feel.
Mercury is the best!!
real VIPPERS use a text only browser in a console with green characters on a black background
the way $DEITY intended it to be viewed
anything else is simply less than VIP quality
I just tried out Moe and I think it's very nicely done.
I am colour-blind and I see it. Are you mentally demented (no offence).