Unlimited SAoVQ Works (10)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-03 20:37 [Del]

I am the quality of my post
VIP is my body and maid dog is my blood.
I have created over a thousand posts.
Unknown to /VIP/.
Nor known to /DQN//
Have withstood pain to create many threads.
Yet, those threads will never hold failure.
So as I pray, "Secret Area of VIP Quality."

2 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-03 22:05 [Del]

There hasn't been 1000 posts on SAoVQ yet.
See you this fall Micheal.

3 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-04 16:45 [Del]

 So you've found Daddy Cool's secret Area.
  And don't let the high entry fee scare'ya.
  one can not for free,
   View this much quality.
   Quite enough to cause someone hysteria.

A limerick created by a fellow VIPPER.

4 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-05 06:30 [Del]

Hey, >>1, listen to me for a moment, a'ight? I don't care if it's not related to this thread. Just listen!

Yesterday, I went over to the Secret Area for VIP Quality. Yes, THAT secret area.
But the whole area was so empty, I couldn't even a thread for hours!
Then I saw a PayPal button that said "Special offer! If you payme enough ;)".
I thought to myself... geez, that's so fucking amazing. I don't even want to visit your secret area.
All you bastards came here just because you had to pay. JUST BECAUSE YOU HAD TO PAY

Then I saw Grandpa & Junior. Even Squeeks in that secret area. Damn, so much for their forbidden garden.
Then one of them elitists said "Let's have some REAL QUALITY"
I couldn't believe it! Uuuuuggh, are you out of your fucking mind!?
Shiiit, i'll paypal you 150 yen just to ger your stanky fat-ass back to your superstructure.
Dude, you just don't go to the secret area for that lala-oh-i'm-so-happy internet comedy bullshit.
It's where you pick an internet-fight with the fucking guy posting before 'yah in some shity thread.
Kill or be killed. Heh... now that's the kinda shit I like.
Ladies, kids, stand back... 'cuz everything's gonna get FUCKED UP NOW.

After paying enough, I finally found the secret area. But then, the guy next to me posted some "Which Anime Character" thread.
Dude, that just pissed me off even more. Shit, you just don't make "Which Anime Character" threads nowadays, ya' freaking bastard.
How the fuck can you say "Which Anime Character" with that "oh, i'm so fucking cool, hur-hur-hur..." look!?!?
Damn, I was THIS CLOSE to standing in front of his face and yelling "DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT THOSE ANIME CHARACTERS!?"
For a freaking hour, I was THIS CLOSE to doing that.
Shit, I bet you just wanted to use the words "Which Anime Character" out loud. Wow, you're so clever.

Dude, you gotta be like ME. See, now I know what's "all that" in the Secret Area of VIP Quality.
What's cool right now to say is "ITT We". That's it!
You see now, a large thread with a lotta VIPPERS doing something is what the hardcore VIPPERS do. Like ME.
Saying "ITT We" means that you get less debate, but you got a WHOLE MESS of options.
Mmmmm... so many fucking possibilites, now THAT'S what I call VIP Quality.
But anywhoo... posting that is kinda' like a double-edged sword. Cuz' then the mods might thing you're a DQN the next time you come by.
So yeah, I can't reccomend this to noobs.
For you >>1, just go reply to the Youtube thread. That's as far as you can go, you know what i'm sayin'?

5 Name: VIPPER : 2007-08-05 08:27 [Del]

            .※  ※  ※.  
          ※ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ※  
         ※ ☆   ※ ※   ☆ ※  
      *  ※ ☆  ※   ※   ※  ☆ ※  *
      ※ ☆ ※   ※ ☆ ※  ※ ☆ ※ 
     ※ ☆ ※  ※ ☆  .☆ ※  ※ ☆ ※ 
    ※ ☆ ※ ※☆    ハ_ハ ※  ※ ☆ ※ 
    ※ ☆ ※  ハ_ハ  (^( ゚∀゚)^) .  ※ ☆ ※ 
   ※ ☆ ※ ('(゚∀゚∩   )  / ※  ※ ☆ ※ 
  キタ━━━━━.ヽ  〈   (ノノ━━━━━━━ !!!
  * ※ ☆ ※ ※ ヽヽ_)     ☆※ ※ ☆ ※  *
   * ※ ☆ ※ ※☆      ☆※ ※ ☆ ※  *
   * ※ ☆ ※  ※☆   ☆※  ※ ☆ ※  *
     ※ ☆ ※   ※ ☆ ※  ※ ☆ ※ 
     *  ※ ☆  ※   ※   ※ ☆ ※  *
        ※ ☆   ※  . ※  ☆ ※  
         ※ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ※  
           .※  ※  ※.  

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: VIPHILOSPHER : 2010-04-20 17:32 [Del]

    (  ゚∀゚ ) AA is the only pure form of VIP Quality.
    /~~~〉 〈/つ
   ノ  ノ|  |...
 ´〜 (__),__)ゝ

8 Name: VIPPER : 2010-05-25 18:31 [Del]

  |┃    |    │   ┃|  /   / /    (  /  ノ⌒)
  |┗━━┷━━┷━━┛| /     / / /  / /   ( ,/
  |──────────,ノ\___ノヽ /⌒⌒`ヽ/ ./  / /
  |─────────/''''''   ''''''::::::\   _ \   / /
  | 〇          /(●),    、(●)、.|   / \ ヽ' /
  |________/   ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::| ./\__.\__ノ
   │   │[=.=]| |  ` -=ニ=- '  .:::://
   └──┴──┴─ヽ、_ `ニニ´  .::::ノ
     /      \//  ̄ ̄ ̄/ /
    /        //         / /
   /         (_/  \      / /
  /      I       \   (_/

9 Name: VIPPER : 2010-05-25 19:20 [Del]



10 Name: VIPPER : 2010-05-25 19:42 [Del]

                          巛 ヽ.
                         + 〒ー| SAoVQ!!
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