Today I went to Toronto with my boss for some training certification thing. Not only did I get to sit on my ass all day doing nothing and get payed for it, they babied the shit out of us. Gave us free refreshments and a kickass chicken lunch.
Today I woke up and watched all of Lucky Star again. God I love Lucky Star.
Today the kids at SAoVQ made fun of me for not being VIP enough, so I decided to cut myself.
Instead of watching that you could be reading quality Japanese comics ranging from the obscure to the awesome.
Where? My veirgn penis froths for answers.
Today I played SeventhSky again. I think the red frame is my favorite.
Nice collection. Do you have any recommendations on which to download first?
Oh fuck it, start off with Nijigahara Holograph.
Then G Senjou Heaven's Door, Homunculus and SANCTUARY.
(and let's not forget STEEL BALL RUN, even if you haven't read anything else from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
At first I was like, hmm okay this seems like a bunch of hotblooded comedy and such but then I read Holograph HOLY SHIT AWESOME
MPD Psycho and Freesia also recommended for anyone who hasn't read yet.
Yeah I got Nijigahara Holograph last night and read to chapter 6 before going to bed. Great so far, reminds me of Boogiepop Phantom, what with the butterflies and all.
I was about to say that! It's pretty similar, well maybe more like a cross between Boogiepop and Freesia.
Maybe I should upload other works by the mangaka of Nijigahara Holograph. Stuff like Solanin and What a Wonderful World. They're not as good a Nijigahara, but quality reads nonetheless.
Please do! It was really great. Maybe we need a manga discussion thread.
Today I got a new MP3 player. It's some Samsung 2GB thing that was on sale. It seems pretty neat so far. It has the blue LED light that turns on everytime you push a button. It's quite amusing.
Simple minds demand to be amused by blue LED lights.
Now if this shit was flashing I'd be amused for hours.
Today I ate a lot of toast. White bread with butter and brown bread with butter. Tomorrow I'll try having peanut butter with toast.
Today I had oatmeal with cinnamon and sugar.
My dad loves toast with butter/margarine and peanut butter. It's actually not too bad! He also does butter/margarine with jam.
I had a bad day at work today, this bitch was giving me a lot of shit. It was horrible. But it was better in the second half of the day, I got an ipod charger for my trip to florida, I plan to actually use on the plane.
I still can't find a cracked copy of Reason that isn't full of spyware. Oh internet, you are a cruel and uncaring mistress. ( 'A` )
It's sort of funny I only ever use my ipod on trips too. Where do you work?
I'm pretty sure this one is virus free (it's just isos of the original CD's):
Oh VIPPER, I love you so much. You always know how to solve any problem.
This morning I played games from Comiket.
>>30 reminded me about Comiket and it turns out there was a new version of Gundemonium out.
I fucking love Gundemonium!!
This thread got me thinking. How many people would use an anonymous blogging service, probably based on text boards like this one?
I don't know if I would. It really depends on the user base. I don't really care about anyone's life unless they are VIPPERs. Then I care.
I was thinking less of a LiveJournal style personal diary, and more of a community journal. Instead of getting a personalized space to talk about your life, there would be separate boards for various subjects. A relationship board, a technology board, a writing/literature board, a politics board, etc. And to keep some sembalance of order, there would be some kind of Danbooru style tagging system, so you could still find entries on a specific subject without having to split the site into a thousand tiny subboards. e.g, someone would write an entry comparing stae senate candidates for their area. He would tag it with things like "United States", "Senate", "Debate", etc. This way, you could easily find posts on any subject, no matter how old or small.
But really at this point it's just a fun idea, and unless someone want to provide all the hosting and do all the work for me, I doubt it will ever happen.
It won't happen unless people can become what amounts to namefags (to use a /b/ term) and blog about some bullshit. It won't happen in the West, maybe in Japan.
I woke up today and played Persona 3 for 4 hours.
I slept in until 11 today and sat around after that.
Yes yes, the life of a VIPPER is dangerous and always on the edge.
Today day I worked and now I'm on the computer.
Today I sat next to a girl and we brushed arms for a couple minutes.
Did your arm smell like her? Did you fap furiously whilst licking your arm?
Nope. But I did fap to very realistically drawn lolicon. Thanks for asking.
I played my DS in bed, had some juice and a bagel.
Today I ate some popcorn. It made my nose itch.
I started watching Lucky Star. I don't see what the big deal is.
Last night I was at a friend's place playing some PS Triple.
I did lots of laundry today and made my bed!
I've been trying to learn some basic Japanese with a copy of Rosetta stone I downloaded awhile ago, and man it's HARD. The teaching method is sound, and I've definitely learned more using this program than I ever did taking classes, but it doesn't actually provide any definitions, so if you get stuck you're on your own.
I have HIV and I want to die.
If you know hiragana/katakana, then Google up JWPce and use the built in dictionary. I used it here and there at times when absolutely nothing made no fucking sense.
Wow, that's extremely helpful. I don't know either hiragana or katakana very well yet, but it's a lot better than the shitty babelfish-esque translators I've been using until now.
Today I decided not to try a new free MMO because it was an American based version of an already existing Korean MMO. My friend didn't understand.
So today I was riding my bike up a nasty steep hill. It was at the end of my ride and I was sweating hard and my legs were killing me. I was midway up when I didn't feel like I could go anymore, I was ready to just give up and walk. But then I thought of what Kamina would do and how he'd probably say something like "Don't give up now! Kick logic and reason to the curb! Believe in me who believes you!" Thinking of all that I suddenly felt my strength return and yelled "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I AM?!" (Good thing there was no one around) and kicked that hill's ass and coasted all the way home.
He doesn't know about Koreans, or about how bad Korean MMORPGs are.
As for me, it's Ken style. Whenever I have something difficult I have to do I start moving around my hands and going huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. OMAE WA MOE SHINDEIRU. It really works.
For me, I go with a classic "Kamehameha!" Reminds me of the old days.
I got a brand new 40in. HDTV today. Great deal too, only 500$. Too bad I don't have anything to play on it other than my Xbox 360, which I have no good games for.
You could hook your computer up to it and watch HD anime and movies!
Better yet, hook your computer up to it and use it to post on SAoVQ!
I was thinking of just that! Imagine how much better Lucky Star will be in HD!
Last night I was playing GOD HAND.
This is seriously the most fun I've had with a videogame in a long time.
I just made poop.
I got Bioshock today. Best game on the 360, by far.
My PS2 modchip is acting up. It won't load DVD games, but it has a great time loading PS2CD and PS1 games ('A` )
I wished SAoVQ got more posts today. I understand that quality is more important than quantity, but c'mon. No new posts in like 2 days. ('A` )
Yesterday I bought some groceries and today I won't do much.
Same here. SAoVQ is like a great treat. Every night or so you get to check and enjoy the posts and maybe even post your own. But sometimes you are just craving it and need more.
We need to get working on the wiki. That will bring some new posters in.
The removal of the secret entrance will make things a tad bit more user friendly, no?
Should we remove the secret entrance? I think we can agree that the only people who will come upon this site are VIPPERs anyways, yeah?
For now at least. Our quality level is as high it can be, so we can afford to let in a few people of questionable quality. If it gets too bad, we can just put the secret entrance back.
The secret entrance shouldn't be removed, as in made into a more public entrance, hell no.
I do and a I don't.
.... :(
I am excited for the wiki. Is someone going to make it sometime soon? I will put in a lot of effort on it.
I'm ready to pay for it, but we need someone to host it and do all the real work. Maybe someone could get a hold of the Wikisysop from etherchan?
Today I got off work earlier than my usual time. I decided to pay a visit up to the shoe store down the street from where I work. The shoes I have at work are falling apart and I'm due for another pair. It was on my alternative way home, so I thought to myself, "Why not?".
I walk into the store and this cranky bitch at the till says to me "Excuse me, sir, could you leave your backpack in the back?". Understanding the threat of shoplifters I complied. After browsing for a bit, I was insulted at the prices. $38 is the cheapest pair you have? What the hell is this? A pair of shoes that cost $225!? What the fuck is this garbage? And you have a fucking slogan that says "Why pay full price for shoes?". What the hell?
So I decided to leave. On my way out, as I was picking up my backpack the cranky bitch at the till says to me, "Oh? You're not buyin' anything?". I reply "Yeah, didn't see anything that striked my fancy." and I left.
It pissed me off because she probably thought I was in there to steal a pair of shoes. Who the fuck steals shoes? For fucks sake.
I come home to a depressing email from my adulterer of a mother and I decided to read some manga to cheer myself up. "National Quiz" is pretty kickass!
I had the same problem, so I bought a pair of 100$ rubber army boots 5 sizes too big. Sure they make me look kind of like a goth, but they're sturdy, comfortable, and I haven't had to buy a new pair of shoes in 3 years. Plus, they stay dry in the rain, so you don't need to buy a separate pair of rain boots.
I order most of my clothes and shoes online so I don't have to deal with the store clerks. There is way too much social pressure in clothing and shoe stores.
orz orz
Clothing and related things are so expensive nowadays.
Hello, I am very happy today. I'm not sure why. Just am.
I never thought of online clothes shopping.
Now I just need to get a credit card... orz
Well, there's always those prepaid ones if I want a last resort.
I have tried out one of those prepaid ones before. It worked pretty well.
(″・ิ_・ิ)っ-̾ My day was boring.
Right now I'm having this crunchy fruit cereal with raspberries, it is good. Except I spilled some milk on my pants. orz
I stayed up from Friday 2PM to 3PM Saturday. Gah I feel time warped. But the good thing is during that time I acquired a copy of GOD HAND for 20 bucks.
GOD HAND is so fun I think I am going to play it again.
I'm fighting whatshisface... the "Devilhand" dude right now. Holy fuck this fight is just epic. I'm getting my ass whipped so bad and it's just so much fun.
Right now in GODHAND I'm at devil Elvis.
Yes, this is the best fucking PS2 game.
Today I downloaded a bunch of crazy Russian music off What's really weird, is most of the music I've found so far is rap, which I've found out sounds hilarious in Russian.
Devil form fights are so fucking fun. Especially if you try to beat them with no reel. Oh god so awesome.
My day was terrible, I did my regular itinerary of scouring the internet for entertainment, failing, then sleeping from 8am to 4pm, then waking up and scouring the internet some more.
Today my braces are digging into the back of my mouth. Not very pleasant!
orz I'm guessing your sleep schedule is all messed up. Don't worry VIPPER, I am predicting this day will be good!
I hate when my sleeping schedule gets fucked up like that. ('A` )
For some reason, I have this awful running nose. It started while I was at work when I just started sneezing like crazy. I think it's allergies, but I don't quite know what I'm allergic to...
Where does everyone work?
I work at a fast food restaurant as a shift supervisor for 75 cents above the minimum wage. I need a new job. ('A` )
I'm a trust fund baby. I've never had to work a day in my life, so I spend all my time advancing the cause of VIP QUALITY in developing nations.
Today I read House of Leaves. I think this is my favorite fiction book ever.
I need to start reading again before I go illiterate because manga scanlations aren't really the greatest source of literature.
Today was supposed to be my day off, but I was asked to come into work for 3-4 hours. I thought to myself, "Sure why not?", because usually I'd probably waste that time on the computer.
After that I went to Giant Tiger and picked up a pair of cheap shoes and some groceries. I'll probably play some more La-Mulana and God Hand or something later.
I had yet another shitty dream about my shitty ex-girlfriend. I really hope she got fat. That would make me happy. Watching her be fat and miserable.
I got new headphones, had a muffin and lots of water.
I just woke up at 11:30pm, walked to my fridge and took out a can of rootbeer, now I'm sitting here eating celery with cheese whiz and drinking rootbeer
I'm sitting here in my underwear smoking hand rolled cigarettes, living the VIP lifestyle in it's fully glory.
Today I carried out and am w.
I ate seven small bags of Crispy Cheddars. So good, I feel sick now.
I am going to go to the store to get some soda. I'll be back later.
I just got home from work and I'm eating cookies and drinking Pepsi.
I have returned back to this board like a good VIPPER. I have also acquired generic Mountain Dew for the proceedings.
Generic Mountain Dew? Is that like ECONO BRAND Mountain Dew or just plain ol' Mountain Dew?
Hahaha, reminds me of the ECONO Dr. Pepper stuff like Dr. Zip
I want a different job but I'm too lazy to look ('A` )
I just moved, and I am stealing my neighbor's internet so I can browse SAoVQ.
Today I ate a peanut butter bar and it was delicious.
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I showered and then made sunny side up with soy sauce. It was actually very good.
I listened to classical music in the morning. Very nice.
I am listening to chiptunes at this moment
I wonder what I should do tomorrow.
I should try beating GOD HAND some time. Maybe level up a little so I can beat that bastard of a last boss in Etrian Odyssey.
Listening to chiptunes too. And on infinite repeat.
Day goes by so fast when you're listening to chiptunes.
I finally got a job today. I'm working overnight and evenings at a convenience store. I just hope my body can take it.
I'd worry more about your mind. The body can be nourished by preservative laden gas station crap, but dealing with the REAL public is the tiresome part.
The public is usually fine where I work. Don't take assholes seriously because they are rare and far in between, in my experience.
Then again, the one time it was my fault because I almost made an elderly woman choke to death because the milkshake I made was made entirely out of syrup. But that was a long time ago.
Chances are you'll be bored more than anything.
Bring your DS!
Unfortunately, >>165 san, I do not own a DS and my GBA's down button is broken. I will have to make due with a novel of some sort, but I was planning on purchasing a DS with my work monies ASAP.
I just got off work and now I'm eating an apple and drinking a Pepsi.
I just got off my night shift at the gas station. The paper work will take me a while to learn but otherwise the job seems alright.
I'm still at work, in spite of having finished my obligations for the day. Drinking some barley tea, but need to go out and eat soon.
I'm pondering a piss break.
I bought a dvd called Mega64 Time online, and it is so awesome.
I cleaned all day. It was a workout, but I am pleased with the results.
I don't know what to do with myself.
I just finished watching GaoGaiGar (not FINAL), and holy shit that was fucking awesome.
I might go play The Sims. Emulated life is superior.
I should download Little Computer People again.
Today I bought Phoenix Wright 3 and Front Mission DS. I haven't had time to play them yet because I was playing Eye of Judgment on my friend's PS tripple.
It's pretty fun! If I had a PS tripple, I'd probably buy it.
Getting some Pr0nz
I quit the internet a few weeks ago, and it's been pretty good so far.
I just stopped by to get some music off my computer and check in on the wiki. Keep up the good work guys!
I heard someone say "turned the gun on himself" while talking about this week's new high school shooting. That's like the highlight of my day.
I gave up on life without the internet. I just couldn't live another day without seeing Daddycool's smiling face greeting me after a hard day's boon.
I searched "I hate myself and want to die, because it's winter" on Google
Here comes a candle to light you to bed!
Here comes a chopper to chop off your head!
Tomorrow, my friend might be dropping his sister off in Brockville. Afterwards, we might drive to Ottawa. I'll probably tag along for the road trip.
This is going to take 4 1/2 - 5 1/2 hours, one-way. Should be fun.
It's pretty interesting, reading my old posts in this thread.
I sure whined a lot!
I was just thinking the same thing. What a great place this is~ I love you all
I can't find my posts in here. I hate the past.
After 4 and a half hours, we made it to Brockville and we dropped my friend's sister off. The drive back from Brockville to Kingston to Toronto was unbearably boring. We were kinda racing these old dudes that were on motorcycles going about 130-145 km/h for a bit. That was badass. But the rest was just awful. We then stopped in Toronto before going back to Kitchener, and it was great. I fucking love this city and want to explore more of it. We were in a part of town where I was having total nostagia trips because it was an area where my crazy drunken Grandmother lived and she'd take me and my brother around when we'd visit her for a week on our summer vacation.
After that, we came back to Kitchener and got drunk while watching "The New Guy". Good times.
I edited all fucking day.
I feel slightly unfulfilled.
That's some dedication! It could be worse, you could be on Wikipedia and get caught up with the faggotry over there!
I have been editing Wikichan for hours without stop, I remember refreshing the Recent changes page at 3 am
I read this entire thread, and now I'm going to watch Code Geass. I hate myself.
Instead of watching Code Geass, you should read THE WORLD IS MINE. It's much more productive!
Drew a bunch of Mary Sues.
Today I ate breakfast. I went crazy and instead of the usual two bread slices with Nutella, I ate four. I will be fat.
I've read that manga and I didn't understand half of the scenes.
It disturbs me.
Ok ok ok, I'll admit. The first volume and a half are VERY incoherent the first time you read it and it all makes a lot more sense when you've read more of the series. Shit starts getting real in volume 2, as the author goes in a more coherent direction and then after things get better and better without stopping. The reason it starts off the way it does is because it's basically dropping you in the middle of things as they begin without taking the time to give you any formal introductions and you get caught up with the chaos as it unfolds. You'll appreciate it later if you keep reading.
But the character development is amazing. Time to time, in between the main character's stories, it'll introduce you to victims before they get brutalized in an attempt to show the readers that they're just not random bystanders, but actual people with lives. The facial and emotional expressions is one of my favourite things about this comic. Toshi's mom is the best example of this. Just look at her eyes transform when they're showing her reaction to her son's violence. But keep in mind the thought of morals, what's right and wrong, and the value of life, as these are some of the recurring themes.
Gahhh. This comic is too hard to write about. It's so many things at once. You can say it bluntly, that it's a comic about two serial murderers and a giant bear causing chaos and destruction across Japan, but that doesn't do it any fucking justice. On the surface, it's just a violent killfest, just to disturb you, but it's so much more than that. I could go on and on all day about this, so I'm going to finish.
I went to work and I came home and wore my VIP STAR shirt.
So I went to Hamilton today for some training. I think I was downtown, I don't know, because this is my second time in Hamilton and last time I was on the other side of the city. All day, I sat, ate free fruit, had free refreshments and learned how to hire people all day. Basically did nothing and got payed for it. It was all too wonderful.
Two 15 minute breaks and an hour long lunch. This is what I got and was nice because I'm used to just getting a half-hour break and that's it. So when lunch time came around, I ditched my co-worker who drove me there, cashed my GST check and went exploring for a bit.
From my 40 minutes of walking around, I gathered that Hamilton is a pretty dirty city with a lot of dirty people and one way streets. You see signs and billboards all over the place for traffic ticket lawyers which wasn't surprising considering how many cars were blaring their horns from all the close calls happening.
The training was held at a hotel that was probably classy back in the late 80s, which was interconnected to a ghetto mall (a large one at that), which was interconnected to a library and a farmer's market and Lord knows what else. Beautiful people and deadbeats all shopped in harmony. I've never seen an LCBO in a mall before until then and it was pretty funny when I saw an empty bottle of wine in a bathroom stall. Homeless people don't have it this easy in Kitchener.
But yeah, I kinda like Hamilton and I wouldn't mind coming back.