Let's discuss our favorite music!
i@OΦOj Music related youtubes are okay!
(@ίΝί) Let's enjoy music together!
http://nipponsei.minglong.org/ Nipponsei - Good site!
Just about any anime OST/OP released can be found here (or atleast most of the more recent ones).
Another good site for soundtracks. Just about every video game soundtrack ever made is up there.
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YZND0RKD < I wanna be a VIPSTAR from the youtube thread.
Every Super Eurobeat album and a bunch of other eurobeat series.
Though it doesn't have the BEAT FREAK editions of SEB that were released before the actual SEB. I have BEAT FREAK vol.6 and it's so mellow and catchy. ('A` )
The VIP Style Sound Tracks Mega Euro Star Non-Stop Mix megaupload is down . Would someone who has it mind reuploading?
I just downloaded the Scarface soundtrack despite never seeing the movie and it's kickass.
( LΦ`) http://dqnmusic.googlepages.com/
I've been listening to GAMMA RAY lately.
Skeletons in the Closet is such a good fucking CD!
Lee 'Scratch' Perry is VIP quality http://wwwww.vip2ch.com/dl.php?f=www1425.mp3
Thank you for this song: http://www.colonthree.org/
Nevermind, I seem to have found it: http://www.8chan.net/dongcast/
age because we need a music thread
The Pogues - Tuesday Morning
I have used that site for 3 years now and it sucks.
Why? Because most of audio files bit rate is only 128kbps. There is even album with bit rate of 64kbps with symphonic music that I can't find anywhere else and that pisses me off. Well at least there are forums where you can find little better sound quality.
S(^ ή ^) τ AMAZING
hello I like country music
I've been listening to Push it to the Limit before going to bed for the last six months.
I love Satie, but I'm kind of sick of Gymnopedie. It's a lovely little piece, but it gets old, especially since it's so overplayed. Yet people's knowledge of Satie often seems to begin and end with the Gymnopedies, and maybe the Gnossiennes as well.
People should explore Satie's other work! I especially like "3 pieces in the form of a pear" and ""Desiccated embryos". (here's the best recording I could find on youtube, although it's not great: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4GBjUncqkI)
I'm into HARDCORE TANO*C and all that, as well as Dutch and Scandinavian hardcore, speedcore, breakcore and lolicore. The harder/faster the better.
recommending http://gendou.com for anime muzaks
VIP-Quality manly jazz, fitting for any secret area you could expect DADDYCOOL to occupy.
This song has been stuck in my head for the past week. And recommendations for some other catchy 80's songs to replace it with?
Not what you probably want, but it is stuck in my head.
I found this to be incredibly high-grade QUALITY
The only internet radio station you'll ever need:
Theremin: musical instrument or annoying background noise?
MuHa is an emerging band on roots music scene in the Midlands, UK. It was formed in 2004, when Iryna Muha, a Ukrainian born singer and songwriter, moved from New York and settled in Lincolnshire.
MuHa is a cultural mix. Their music is influenced by Slavonic traditions and the diverse backgrounds of the band members enrich the experience by Brazilian sounds, Indian rhythms, Irish influences and Cuban elements.
Very VIP Rock
Propane and butterscotch!
There should be more cello rock.
>>49 Slightly off-topic from this thread, but I thought I was the only theremin-playing VIPPER. This has made me curious...are there more?
Slightly off-topic from this thread, but you should record a theremin masterpiece for the June album.
mrSimon has just released another album!
Are The Pillows VIP?
ha ha, i watch flcl too. it's so underground. i thought i was the only one. we can die togeth
i@OΦOj The Books!
This girl I knew listened to these guys and sort of got me hooked.
I like this band.
As soon as I saw they had collaborated with World's End Girlfriend, I knew I would ·ΐͺͺͺͺͺͺ(ίΝί)ͺͺͺͺͺͺ !!!!!
Thanks VIPPER, I don't know why I hadn't known about them sooner!
I often feel that Kohina should update its fresh tunes playlists as they are not fresh anymore.
Ugh, you know that track "Sandstorm"? The one by Darude? I fucking hate that track.
A few nights ago, I was doing a set for this "rave" (believe me, I rolled my eyes hard at that description) for this stupid pre-finals bullshit thing that some high school on the rich side of town was holding. Since it was a "rave", I actually brought proper breakbeat hardcore, some bleep-and-bass, some 90s cheese techno shite, and some other happy hardcore-ish stuff.
The little fucks would not take it.
I kept getting these little rich cunts coming up to me in the middle of the set demanding that I play some Tiesto, some Deadmau5, and a bunch of other (probably) club-friendly shite that I couldn't identify. Then, it got even worse.
This little fucker had the nerve to ask me to play "Sandstorm". I said, "Sandstorm?" She replied, "Yeah, by Darude. Y'know, Sandstorm." I figured telling her that I didn't have that song would shut her up. I was wrong.
Ten minutes later, she returned. In her hand, she had a goddamn copy of Sandstorm on CD. Yes, she had the actual single on CD. Now, I was playing on vinyl turntables, so obviously that wasn't going to work. I explained this to her.
She just would not get it.
She kept demanding that I stop my set right in the fucking middle, right after I got everything all perfectly beatmatched, and throw the fucking CD on the turntable. She even had the gall to attempt to grab the tonearm on one of the turntables.
Finally, I had enough. I turned both turntables off, unplugged the mixer, and demanded that the lights be turned on. I turned to her, took a deep breath, and yelled right in her face, "No, I will not play 'Sandstorm', you little cunt! Stop fucking harassing me about it!"
She broke down crying and ran out of the gym. One of the faculty, who the fuck cares who, demanded that I leave immediately.
I got kicked out of the event without even getting my fee. This has taught me two things: a) Kids have no fucking taste in music and b) Get the organiser to pay up-front next time.
Also, I fucking hate "Sandstorm". That, and fucking punk kids who think that I'm their human jukebox.
Count yourself lucky, they could've expected you to just rehash the last 15 years of Top 40 songs like some of the lamer school dances I remember
This is for you.
Also, this is part of the reason I wouldn't ever want to work as a professional DJ. I've learned that DJing entails dealing with audiences that have no fucking taste. So if being a good DJ means giving the crowd what they want, you have to be willing to make sacrifices.
Might be seeing this guy live soonish.
Hardly a VIP moment, though. I didn't get paid because the organiser thought my conduct was "unprofessional", and that stupid little bitch came back later and claimed that I took a swing at her.
Ah I understand. Anyways, would you mind playing Sandstorm? You know, the one by Darude?
>>76 Just remember, being VIP does not correlate to gaining things of material value most of the time. In fact, it's the opposite, thanks to DADDYCOOL.
At one point I was directed to a group named Hierophant Green and I feel that it was likely from this place although I cannot find where that recommendation may have been. I wish to thank whoever provided the recommendation as Hierophant Green is fantastic!
In return I would wholeheartedly recommend electronic music by "she" (who is in fact not a she).
Because trance is for HORSES.
Trilingual Dance Sexperience
I paidthem enough for entry into the Lounge of VIP Ticketholders at Metroplex's 25th anniversary party.
A horse is not a home
·ΐͺͺͺͺͺͺ(ίΝί)ͺͺͺͺͺͺ !!!!!
hello my name is mister cqnzr and i made a set for ohr but it got cancelled
i premixed it because i cant play live
I'm just gonna post this because I like it.
Yutaka Ozaki - My Song
Susumu Hirasawa - Solar Ray II
Daytona USA OST in FLAC
Also includes a few arrangements by B-univ, as well as some short arrangements of various classic Sega arcade tracks.
Cho-Ren-Sha 68k OST in FLAC
Over 3 CDs (!) of musical goodness, with countless arrangements and over 100 megabytes of booklet scans (yeah, not sure what's going on with those file sizes, it must be hard to compress that kind of quality). Your ears deserve this.
Hiromi Uehara - Time Out
It's VIPmas in July!
My fav japanese girl group, Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tHsPOjpKFY
Let's post some laid back summer tunes
This isn't just summer, it's all four seasons together.
OMC - How Bizarre
i@OΦOj S /\ L E /\/\
We listened to this piece in my experimental music class. The teacher brought snacks and encouraged us to bring pillows and sleeping bags to survive the 5 hour experience. For a while afterward all other music sounded out of tune to me.
Sorry everyone
This video contains content from Vevo, who has blocked it in your country on copyright ground is my favourite artist.
I uploaded this so VIPPERs can hear it. Yann Tomita is crazy~
On a side-note, anybody know how a way to make youtube not ruin music with shitty audio compression?
>On a side-note, anybody know how a way to make youtube not ruin music with shitty audio compression?
I was wondering the same thing. There's some Italo Disco tracks I wanna upload.
I did some research and it seems there are a few ways to circumvent YouTube's audio compression, here are the two main points:
1) Audio quality depends on video quality, so you need to fool Youtube into thinking you're uploading HD video to get better quality sound.
2) To avoid Youtube's automatic "fixes", filter out high and low ends, and keep the volume below -3.0 dB across the spectrum.
I'll try to re-upload >>108 following this guide and see how it works.
Behold, >>108, now with VIP Quality!
Wikipedia has a good table on the relation between video and audio quality on YouTube:
Audio bit-rates are not listed in that table, but I read that 720p has a higher audio bit-rate than the lower settings. Not sure if this is true.
I love these. Thank you VIPPER.
>On a side-note, anybody know how a way to make youtube not ruin music with shitty audio compression?
I think this post might help:
It's better when you actually understand it.
I must find more NEW JACK SWING.
Account was deleted, luckily someone else uploaded it
Neat song. I have to wonder who creates these song names though. They are all SCIENCE WORDS taken out of context. Lagrangian Blues by the Twisted Geodesics
I don't normally post youtubes, but this is too good to ignore.
Well, in this case at least it makes sense because quantize is a term used in electronic music that refers to shifting audio so that it's exactly on the beat.
I don't think that excuses the entire album being completely laden with them.
Be sure to check out Mushi Music's "Prime Number March." It's like music from a '90s game.
>>135 which album might that be?
Electric Wizard - the outsider
dundun duunduun dundun duunduun duuuuuun
Even the album cover is VIP quality.
Felix & Jarvis - Bounce
I would like to request some Quality sad music since most people think sad music means emo.
Savage - Goodbye
my favorite sad music
>>150 here.
Geh, saw all the youtube links and swore this was the Youtube thread. Sorry about that.
Allan Holdsworth covering The Beatles.
Every VIPPER should know of Radio Dismuke:
It comes highly recommended from VIPPER. It can be streamed easily at this address:
"TRON" (VIP Mix)
Nite Club does excellent Oldskool Hardcore remixes