[Paganism] Let's invent the best and worst presents of all time! [Xmas] (6)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-22 14:50 [Del]

The best is an endless noodle. The worst is two pounds of smelly 5-cent coins.

2 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-22 16:01 [Del]

two pounds of 5-cent coins would be a reasonable amount of currency.

You could buy noodles with that money.

But I guess an endless noodle is good, too. But what if it gets cold?

Then the noodle is useless.

3 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-22 23:27 [Del]

Let's just say we are talking about US currency here (so a nickle).
A nickle weighs about 0.0099208018 pounds. Thus 2/0.0099208018 =201.6 nickles so 201 nickles.

201 x .05 = 10.05

It's only $10.05. It sucks basically

4 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-28 13:02 [Del]

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5 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-30 00:52 [Del]

Maybe OP meant pounds as in currency?

6 Name: VIPPER : 2007-12-30 15:59 [Del]


That's less than $10.05

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