For too long have those of us brothers in VIP QUALITY have stood alone, cast aside and forgotten by a cruel and unforgiving world. For too long have we allowed the powers that be stifle and mock our word. For too long have we remained silent. For too long have we been lost and separated like thousands of shards of broken glass. We shall not allow this to go on. We shall not let them break our spirits. We shall not step down from what we know in our hearts to be true. Today is that day that we will stand together as one. Today is the day that we will congregate and have our voices heard. Today is the day that we will shout at the top of our lungs, "I AM VIPPER; HEAR MY CRY." We must form a partnership for those who follow the ways of VIP QUALITY. We must fight together for our cause, for we are far stronger together than we are apart. Today we fight back against the oppressive forces that want to silence us. Today... we are VIP.
I'm not a VIPPER.
VIP-ology is the new government?