1 Name: VIPPER : 2008-02-12 20:54 [Del]
Boris Robertovich Vipper - (3(15).4.1888,Moscow, - 24.1.1967,Moscow. Russian: Ay Qqury Byu) - Soviet art critic, honored worker of arts of RSFSR (1959),a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1962), professor (1918). As an art critic specialized in Western Europe art, particularly in Italian and Dutch art, also in Russian and Latvian art.
Studied at Moscow State University (1906-1911), taught at Moscow (since 1915) and Latvian universities. Since 1944 he worked as an acting director of the scientific department of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.
Fundamental works are dedicated to the main problems in art history : questions of realism, struggle between art schools, historical development of styles and genres.
His theoretical course Introduction to the Historical Study of Arts consists of series of research works Graphics. Sculpture. Painting. Architecture. and is unique for its deep and thorough analysis of technical problems and bases of different genres in their diversity. The work covers a vast material of the fine arts, from primitive up to the 20th-century arts. It is a result of long historical research work, carried by the author.
• Pq|u}p y pxryyu ~p}p, Kpxp~, 1922;
• Sy~u. M., 1948
• Aqp uu~yz r yp|~{} y{ru XVI ru{p, M., 1956
• Rp~r|u~yu up|yx}p r s||p~t{z wyryy XVII ru{p, M., 1957
• Ou{y s||p~t{z wyryy y prup (1640-1670), M., 1962
• Pq|u} up|yx}p r yp|~{z wyryy XVII-XVIII rr., M., 1966
• Rpy q y{ru, M., 1970
• Brutu~yu r Iyu{u yxu~yu y{rp. M. 1970
• Latvijas māksla baroka laikmetā, Rīga, 1937 (p~s|. u. - Baroque art in Latvia, Rīga, 1939)