and inventor and proprietor of Dodge's celebrated Hair Invigorator, Stimulator of the Conscience, and Arouser of the Mental
Temperament,―Lymphathic, Nervous, Bilious.
Size of Head, 11.
Amativeness, 11 1/2.
Caution, 3.
Combativeness, 2 1/2.
Credulity, 1.
Causality, 12.
Conscientiousness, 12.
Destructiveness, 9.
Hope, 10."
Imitation, 11. Benevolence, 12.
Mirth, 1.
Language, 12.
Firmness, 2.
Veneration, 12.
Philoprogenitiveness, 0.
Having gazed on this for a few moments in mute astonishment―during which the Professor took a glass of brandy and water,
and afterwards a mouthful of tobacco―I turned to him and requested an explanation.
"Why," said he, "it's very simple; the number 12 is the maximum, 1 the minimum; for instance, you are as benevolent as a
man can be―therefore I mark you, Benevolence, 12. You have little or no self-esteem―hence I place you, Selfesteem, 1/2.
You've scarcely any credulity―don't you see?"
I did see! This was my discovery. I saw at a flash how the English language was susceptible of improvement, and, fired with
the glorious idea, I rushed from the room and the house; heedless of the Professor's request that I would buy more of his
Invigorator; heedless of his alarmed cry that I would pay for the bottle I'd got; heedless that I tripped on the last step of the
Gyascutus House, and smashed there the precious fluid (the step has now a growth of four inches of hair on it, and the
people use it as a door-mat); I rushed home, and never grew calm till with pen, ink and paper before me, I commenced the
development of my system.
This system―shall I say this great system―is exceedingly simple, and easily explained in a few words. In the first place,
"figures won't lie." Let us then represent by the number 100, the maximum, the ne plus ultra of every human quality―grace,
beauty, courage, strength, wisdom, learning―every thing. Let perfection, I say, be represented by 100, and an absolute
minimum of all qualities by the number 1. Then by applying the numbers between, to the adjectives used in conversation, we
shall be able to arrive at a very close approximation to the idea we wish to convey; in other words, we shall be enabled to
speak the truth. Glorious, soulinspiring idea! For instance, the most ordinary question asked of you is, "How do you do?" To
this, instead of replying, "Pretty well," "Very well," "Quite well," or the like absurdities―after running through your mind that
perfection of health is 100, no health at all, I―you say, with a graceful bow, "Thank you, I'm 52 to day;" or, feeling poorly, "I'm
13, I'm obliged to you," or "I'm 68," or "75," or "87 1/2," as the case may be! Do you see how very close in this way you
may approximate to the truth; and how clearly your questioner will understand what he so anxiously wishes to arrive at―your
exact state of health?
Let this system be adopted into our elements of grammar, our conversation, our literature, and we become at once an exact,
precise, mathematical, truth-telling people. It will apply to every thing but politics; there, truth being of no account, the
system is useless. But in literature, how admirable! Take an example:
As a 19 young and 76 beautiful lady was 52 gaily tripping down the sidewalk of our 84 frequented street, she accidently come
in contact―100 (this shows that she came in close contact) with a 73 fat, but 87 good-humored looking gentleman, who was
93 (i. e. intently) gazing into the window of a toy-shop. Gracefully 56 extricating herself, she received the excuses of the 96
embarrassed Falstaff with a 68 bland smile, and continued on her way. But hardly―7―had she reached the corner of the
block, ere she was overtaken by a 24 young man, 32 poorly dressed, but of an 85 expression of countenance; 91 hastily
touching her 54 beautifully rounded arm, he said, to her 67 surprise―
"Madam, at the window of the toy-shop yonder, you dropped this bracelet, which I had the 71 good fortune to observe, and
now have the 94 happiness to hand to you." Of course the expression "94 happiness" is merely the young man's polite
Blushing with 76 modesty, the lovely (76, as before, of course), lady took the bracelet―which was a 24 magnificent diamond
clasp―(24 magnificent, playfully sarcastic; it was probably not one of Tucker's) from the young man's hand, and 84
hesitatingly drew from her beautifully 38 embroidered reticule a 67 port-monnaie. The young man noticed the action, and 73
proudly drawing back, added―
"Do not thank me; the pleasure of gazing for an instant at those 100 eyes (perhaps too exaggerated a compliment), has
already more than compensated me for any trouble that I might have had."
She thanked· him, however, and with a 67 deep blush and a 48 pensive air, turned from him, and pursued with a 33 slow step
her promenade.
Of course you see that this is but the commencement of a pretty little tale, which I might throw off, if I had a mind to,
showing in two volumes, or forty-eight chapters of thrilling interest, how the young man sought the girl's acquaintance, how
the interest first excited, deepened into love, how they suffered much from the opposition of parents (her parents of course),
and how, after much trouble, annoyance, and many perilous adventures, they were finally married―their happiness, of course,
being represented by 100. But I trust that I have said enough to recommend my system to the good and truthful of the
literary world; and besides, just at present I have something of more immediate importance to attend to.
You would hardly believe it, but that everlasting (100) scamp of a Professor has brought a suit against me for stealing a
bottle of his disgusting Invigorator; and as the suit comes off before a Justice of the Peace; whose only principle of law is to
find guilty and fine any accused person whom he thinks has any money―(because if he don't he has to take his costs in
County Scrip,) it behooves me to "take time by the fore-lock." So, for the present, adieu. Should my system succeed to the
extent of my hopes and expectations, I shall publish my new grammar early in the ensuing month, with suitable dedication and
preface; and should you, with your well known liberality, publish my prospectus, and give me a handsome literary notice, I shall
be pleased to furnish a presentation copy to each of the little Pioneer children.
P. S. I regret to add that having just read this article to Mrs. PHOENIX, and asked her opinion thereon, she replied, that "if a
first-rate magazine article were represented by 100, she should judge this to be about 13; or if the quintessence of stupidity
were 100, she should take this to be in the neighborhood of 96." This, as a criticism, is perhaps a little discouraging, but as an
exemplification of the merits of my system it is exceedingly flattering. How could she, I should like to know, in ordinary
language, have given so exact and truthful an idea―how expressed so forcibly her opinion (which, of course, differs from mine)
on the subject?
As Dr. Samuel Johnson learnedly remarked to James Boswell, Laird of Auchinleck, on a certain occasion―
"Sir, the proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof."