Anyone want to pitch in for the price of tickets?
I'll pitch in 50 VIP coins.
Anyone else? How about OP?
Awesome. Now we need only 9999999999999999950 more.
I'll donate 1000 to our fund!
I've only got 10,000 VIP coins, I'm gonna see if I can get some cheap ones on ebay.
I donate 10.
We're at 9999999999999988940 left!
Where do I get VIP coins?
So any time someone says "That post was VIP quality" I automatically am credited a certain amount?
Don't we have to worry about rampant inflation?
>>11 Don't worry, all VIP coins have to be backed by the appropriate monetary amount of VIP gold.
How do you acquire VIP gold?
I will tell you if you payme enough ;)
All this discussion of VIPPER currency is devaluing my VIP stocks. Please discontinue this discussion so I can SELL HIGH, SELL HIGH!
It's always been about the Bear market, you should know that
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