Manga artist needed (24)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2008-03-05 21:26 [Del]

I'm looking for an artist who can draw in the traditional ecchi manga style based on VIP quality story elements. If you know of anyone who can draw well, meaning better than most of Deviantart, 4chan Oekaki boards, and How to Draw Manga books, or if the artist happens to be Japanese, please let me know.

2 Name: VIPPER : 2008-03-05 22:41 [Del]

Post a script for epic lulz

3 Name: VIPPER : 2008-03-06 05:28 [Del]


>epic lulz

Those are not VIP quality. Go back to your *chan, >>2.

4 Name: VIPPER : 2008-03-06 11:03 [Del]

The script really depends on the art style. I'm looking for any style seen in current h-manga magazines distributed at any convenience store in Japan.

5 Name: VIPPER : 2008-03-06 11:06 [Del]

If you must know, I had a dream where there were sixteen panels of cleavage on two pages, which happened periodically in one thick collected volume of manga, about the size of the complete Bone collection, and I was reading volume seventeen. So this will be a motif throughout the series, assuming I can get that far in the story.

6 Name: VIPPER : 2008-03-06 12:07 [Del]

Yeah, that's going to be hard to come by but maybe we can find someone. I'll help search. Honestly, I think there should be some people readily available who can draw at this quality level. What kind of level are we talking about, give some examples. H-art varies a lot in doujins.

7 Name: VIPPER : 2008-03-06 17:10 [Del]

They must have an appreciation for boobs. I can tell by the psychology of the artist whether they really like boobs or not.

8 Name: VIPPER : 2008-03-06 22:22 [Del]


>>in current h-manga magazines distributed at any convenience store in Japan.

Any hack can draw like that.

9 Name: VIPPER : 2008-03-07 13:38 [Del]


Yes, that's the bare minimum requirement, to draw like any h-manga artist can. Yet somehow the majority of American artists FAIL IT. I believe this is due to mere imitation without taking into account the psychological aspects of art. See "How to Draw Manga" for an example.

10 Name: VIPPER : 2008-03-07 16:42 [Del]

But if you know anyone of NiseMIDI quality, that will be fine too

11 Name: VIPPER : 2008-03-07 17:22 [Del]

Inazuma is also fine

12 Name: VIPPER : 2008-04-13 14:08 [Del]

tell me, I may be fascinated.

13 Name: ITALIAN VIPPER : 2008-06-03 14:04 [Del]

>>12-san is me

14 Name: ITALIAN VIPPER : 2008-06-17 08:40 [Del]

>>12-13 san are me

15 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-17 10:59 [Del]

but is >>12-3,14 the same person!?

16 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-17 14:45 [Del]

This whole thread is SONO ITALIANO quality

17 Name: sage : 2008-06-19 09:30 [Del]


> Questo thread, nella sua interezza, è di QUALITA' VIP

18 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-20 23:25 [Del]

I just thought of something that would be awesome if we could get an artist. What if we had a manga (or just a oneshot short doujin) about the internet? Like trolling or something and make it totally overexaggerated. For example, someone is asking for relationship advice and then you see some dude in his computer chair grinning and typing like Light in Death Note with sparks flying and pressing enter then some sort of point of view shift where you're looking at the OP infront of his computer and he looks at the post and it says something like "KILL YOURSELF" and he gets blown back out of his chair onto the wall. Trolling battles etc. as well. Someone gets into a long argument and at the end one of the guys is just like "You're already trolled, I don't actually care about any of this." Oh god this is so awesome someone who is an artist please post here please please please.

19 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-21 11:49 [Del]


20 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-22 04:17 [Del]

image of >>18 being blown into the wall from the impact of >>19's response

21 Name: The wall : 2008-06-22 04:56 [Del]


22 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-22 07:45 [Del]

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23 Post deleted by user.

24 Name: ITALIAN VIPPER : 2008-06-23 15:03 [Del]


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