that you like the smell of their hair
You're really good at Starcraft; they'll all worship you and the girls will want to fuck you.
You shourd wolship them nida.
Ask them to perform a ZERG RUSH ZERG RUSH KEKEKEKE
Ask why your cat is missing, nida.
Ask what they are think of Dokdo islet nida.
Whatever you tell non-Korean people. They're just like us, even though they have a funny language and their cheekbones are all crazy like and their nation's politics are insane.
~This message brought to you by the Organization for the Promotion of Tolerance and Harmony in the Secret Area of VIP Quality.
Tell them that their grandparents are ugly and they smell bad. Don't forget to end all sentences with nida; this lets them understand english better. (it's like you'd say desu when talking to japanese people.)