What is trip?
Trip is a character string that can be displayed next to the name.
The individual can be simply proven by displaying it.
How to use of trip?
The character that "#" is input to the name field, it continues, and it likes "saovq"
(password) is input.
The example of trip is shown in following url.
Thank you for everybody.
Haha, I was the one who posted the link back to SAoVQ on your BBS. You beat me linking to your site from here.
You will obtain a new word.
How exactly is this site used?
How can the individual be proven if the tripcode can be obtained from this website?
His site only works with simple tripcodes of less than 8 characters, by brute-forcing them. If you use something like #fgsfds or a real word such as #faggot, your tripcode is easy to crack.
On the other hand, if you use something like #uiob9836jkli5u and never post on sites were you can't trust the admin, then your tripcode is completely uncrackable.
Everybody, it comes to http://trip.orz.hm
A person all over the world visits this site.
It might be understood that the word to get on here is a blasphemy to the religion that you believe.
But, I swear "The word displayed here do not blaspheme the religion that you believe.".
It's even harder to figure out what you mean now that you provided an explanation.
The word of this site doesn't insult the religion that you believe.
I think he is having some English difficulties. I think the point is that if it says !allJewsMustBurnInHell it's not on purpose.
Here is funny internet,isn't it?
We wish to express our gratitude for your help.
It is as you say.
I do not insult the all mankind by intention.
I am not good at English.
It troubles you because I am using the machine translation.
I'm sorry.
I changed Trip.
I don't know whether this is a feature common to all 2ch-esque boards, but in some implementations there are tripcodes and secure tripcodes. Tripcodes use a common hash (a function which takes something and gives back something which is hopefully unique to the first something, though it has no relation to the first something). Secure tripcodes add a secret key specific to the website you're visiting to the hash, so the result is unique to the website. The website >>1 is promoting provides a table of the common tripcode hash. This isn't possible with the secure tripcode, because it requires the board's secret key.
Tripcodes are used as name#password
Secure tripcodes are used as name##password.
For some reason you can combine them, as name#password##password2
For example, this post uses VIPPER#QUALITY##boon
No, it doesn't. I have failed. orz
Oh! It creates something individual to the site?! I didn't realize that. I thought it just made another trip from the trip you get from the first #_______. I feel so enlightened now.
I'm surprised the machine translation is so good. It's really not bad at all.
I have a question though since you are probably used to posting on big boards like 2ch. What do you think of small English boards like this?
I think that I am interesting.
It is very interesting also in an English site that "sage" is used.
I am glad to study English.
The secure tripcode was caused by me trying to post
and I didn't see the second pound sign.
I also didn't know until now that world4ch doesn't take Unicode trips properly (all the Japanese ones get mangled over there).
This trip stuff is interesting.
I am enjoying my tripcode very much.
I think I am tripping.
Everybody, it plays with Trip.