[BASS] How low can you go? [Death Row] (3)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-20 06:28 [Del]

What a brother knows.

2 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-20 08:30 [Del]

I can hit every fret, because I was gifted with arms of reasonable length.

3 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-20 08:34 [Del]

           /''''''   '''''':::::::\
          . |(●),   、(●)、.:| + 
          |   ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|     I can't hit any, because I have no arms.
        .   |   `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::| +
           \  `ニニ´  .:::::/
           |::::::::::::::      (  / ̄ ̄\           
           |:::::::::::        /      `、
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      /::      ..:::::/             ヽ :::::::::::ノ
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           `ヽ、::::::: ノ
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            ノ::::  |
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