[MYSTERY] The Mystery-Shrouded Past of DADDY COOL [DADDYCOOL] [ITT] (5)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-25 20:32 [Del]


"Larry Jackson, better known as 'Daddy Cool,' stopped on a litter-filled street in the town of Flint, Michigan. His prey, a slim, brown-complexioned young man, walked briskly ahead. He was unaware that he was being followed by one of the deadliest killers the earth had ever spawned."

I, for one, find this news both disturbing and arousing.

2 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-25 20:34 [Del]

Sounds like quite the yarn!

3 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-26 00:22 [Del]

Daddy Cool is an Australian rock band formed in Melbourne in 1970.

Is Daddy Cool more than one person?

4 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-26 00:39 [Del]

"DADDY COOL frowned in the dark as he wondered about the tricks fate could play on a man. He remembered the first time he had seen his wife. She had been dancing with a group at a nightclub. How he had wished he could make her his woman. Now, twenty years later, after getting the woman he had dreamed about as a young man, he realized just how foolish he had been. Instead of choosing a woman for her brains, he had foolishly chosen one because of the way she was built. The last fifteen years had been lived regretting his ignorance."

5 Name: VIPPER : 2008-06-26 08:11 [Del]

DADDY COOL ate the porridge. It was not good porridge, but it was better than a gut fulla lead.

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