I'd like appeal to D A D D Y C O O L to ban the person who did this.
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This probably won't increase traffic anyways. ('A` )
Interesting, i just noticed this recently as well.
I doubt many would care anyway, not many come along and read the 2channel wiki.
I almost removed it too, but then decided against it. It's not like the secret entrance is secret anymore.
I propose that we sent a mail to Wikipedia and let them link SaoVQ if they payus enough ;)
Not sure why it should be removed now, mainly in response to
Although i still think gaining more popularity to this place is a very dodgy idea, once it happens, and some idiot finds out, all hell will break loose....
True, but the board will still suffer quite badly.
Not sure how well the servers run either, could get so bad the servers timeout, and that would be very bad ._.
Speaking of which, I propose to take down the imageboard. It's almost dead. Doing so would free some dataforce that could be used to implement some more successful VIP Quality solutions.
I think your overestimating how popular it will become. There are definitely limits.
>>22 Eh, i guess you are right.
But the imageboard might get flooded by /b/.