The sum of the squares of the lengths of the sides of a right triangle is equal to the square of the length of the hypotenuse.
I learned that I draw better standing up than sitting down.
I also draw better when I'm happy.
I learned that nobody likes my drawings : (
I learned that I cannot send messages to myself in the past. But I still can't accept it.
I learned that I love you, Kate
I learned that in Japan, fish sometimes swim uphill
I learned that Kate doesn't exist and >>5 is a lonely hikkikomori.
I've learned that putting positive reinforcement as a normal thing in my life is going to be hard, but it is possible.
It's much easier to over-use a photoshop adjustment then use fade immediately than attempt to get the result right the first time.
Losing weight actually does make your penis bigger!
Trimming your hair does the same thing without having to cut on hamburgers!
You can delete your own posts to annoy people!
Dr. Mario is not a real doctor!
Today I learned that in Japan, fish sometimes swim uphill
Douching with Coca-Cola actually doesn't stop pregnancy.
Well, at least I get to experience the joys of fatherhood.
I learned that you can defuse a nuclear bomb with a bottle cap, a paper clip, and some bubble gum.
I learned that DADDYCOOL will not refund my money no matter how much sex I give him.
MULTIPLIERs bite too.
أنا آكل
أنتَ تأ، أنتِ تأكلين
هو يأكل، هي تأكل
نحن نأكل
أنتم تأكلون
هم يأكلون
I learned that spanish muffins speak French and can hullahoop while balancing on a dodgy nuclear bomb without breaking a sweat.
I never knew that. I was rather shocked when i learned of this amazing skill that muffins possess deep within.
I learned that 2B pencils are very good for drawing.
FUCK YOU HB PENCIL!!!!!!!!!!!!
I learned that all connected, locally connected, compact, Hausdorff, second-countable spaces are the continuous image of the unit interval.
i learned that fuck the bbc
I learned that if you take too long to turn at a traffic light, you driving instructor berates the SHIT out of you.
If you lift your left leg and put your foot on the toilet, then lean your body to the right at roughly between 40-60 degrees, it comes out effortlessly.
I know because i frequently use this method when i discovered it after i had a blockage.
The trick where you leave your tomatoes five seconds in boiling water and them immediately pull the skin works way better than I would ever have imagined.
Now I only need to learn why the hell you'd ever want to peel a tomato.
I learned that to make delicious tomato sauce, you first need to peel tomatoes. Now if I only knew how to do that!
The wealth of societies in which the capitalist mode of production prevails appears as an immense collection of commodities.
I learned that if your shits look like jesus, you can sell them on ebay
I've learned that you shouldn't shoot both guns at the same time, but one by one (That's a basic skill of a double-barrelled gunman).
I learned about people and the fact that they contain "feelings" which are very sensitive to criticism. What I did not learn is how to control my artificial "feelings", so now I am a very, very sad panda.
(゚д゚) Tonight I learned that dried blood is kind of like dried jelly or something in that it is sticky and difficult to clean.
People started to wear eyeglasses in the 13th century.
My boyfriend likes it when I smush my stomach fat into a donut and let him fuck the softness.
(゚д゚) People are vandalizing the Isandhlwana memorial for scrap metal!
Shell scripting isn't as difficult as mock-elitists make it out to be.
I'm talking to you, Stallman.
I learned that if you eat a ton of jalapenos, your shit will hurt your asshole, even though it is neither fat nor hard.
I learned that the law of gravity is nonsense; no such law exists
I learned that if you're white and interested in race discussion you have self-serving white guilt.
If you're white and not interested in race discussion you are an ignorant asshole who wallows in privilege.
I learned there are a lot of the things they don't teach you at school. They don't teach you how to love somebody. They don't teach you how to be famous. They don't teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer. They don't teach you how to know what's going on in someone else's mind. They don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying. They don't teach you anything worth knowing.
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I learned that pen spinning is harder than it looks
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