So I made this thread to ask a pretty silly question...
What is the minimum age for user to be able to access this site, or is there none?
Where is my Squeeks hat? The ad said that I will get a free Squeeks hat upon joining SAoVQ ,_,
Disclaimer: Squeeks hat not actually made of Squeeks.
No refunds~
It is, on the other hand, made of something that used to be Squeeks. Kind of.
What is the limit of QUALITY?
(₯ิ_₯ิ) A rotating singularity which, in virtue of the pure QUALITY contained therein, may never be seen by VIPPER eyes.
@@@@@@@@@ i@LΝMj@@QUALITY? My table is THE DEFINITION of QUALITY itself.
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How much gold is there in a VIPCOIN?