Goodwork international MODD committee. We have successfully saved SAoVQ once again. Please proceed in this thread.
Too easy. P2P in Japan has to be UNDERGROUND and HARD TO USE, otherwise baka gaijin would just steal from the glorious nation of Nippon.
You need a superior Japanese IQ to figure Share or Perfect Dark out.
What sites are you talking about? Most Japanese websites I have seen seem like personal websites, which they probably are.
Japan's Internet is stuck in 1998.
They just don't use torrents because they're rather rely on Share / Perfect Dark's security through obscurity. But even that is bullshit, Share can be broken, PD will be broken. They're just fooling themselves.
Though on the other hand, not all Elevens think like that. Just try to get any recent raw off Tokyotosho. Half of the IPs are Japanese.
Modern Western website design is really cluttered and ugly tbh. I find Japanese sites to be a breath of fresh air.
I have to agree with this. Look at the site we're on right now. Extremely simple layout, easy to look at, unique. Whenever I see a web 2.0 site I want to vomit; they all look the exact same.
No, the thread is not derailed!
Oh, by the way, people outside of Japan can also use Winny, you know.
Japan's webdesign is horrible, and so are their sharing methods.
The west is far superior when it comes to web design. Maybe not that WEB 2.0 shit but when you have a simple page design like this or whatever, you feel some quality in your heart.
>>14 all I see in this website are rounded corners that do not match one another for size.
Not enough web 1.0
I rate this websight ⊂ out of ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃.