[IMP]SAoVQ .rss feed[whydon'tweuse?:<] (6)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2008-08-20 15:14 [Del]

I propose we actually start using the .rss feed on the site. It's there for a reason, and even though we only have 3 regular posters (not counting DADDYCOOL and (ExE)-chan) it would still be good for posting in threads that fall beyond the front page.

In before this is a terrible idea and I should return to the tanasinn chamber.

2 Name: VIPPER : 2008-08-20 16:55 [Del]

You should.
You don't want damage control to do it for you~

3 Name: VIPPER : 2008-08-20 17:10 [Del]

rss is a gift from WAHa and using it is a matter of personal responsibilty

4 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-02 23:10 [Del]

Huh, I didn't realize we had an RSS feed.

Too bad it only lists new threads, SAoVQ moves slowly enough that listing each post would be feasable.

5 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-03 07:48 [Del]

I would use it but I find most RSS clients distasteful, due to them either being web based or they don't refresh when I want them to.

6 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 09:43 [Del]

What is RSS? I just know it's one of those web 2.0 things

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