Fanfiction Time! (35)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2008-08-23 14:42 [Del]

What do you think?

Perhaps this?

Or this?

I don't know, but perhaps we should create a "fanon" of our own.

What series do we like best?

Harry Potter?
Lord of the Rings?
Kingdom Hearts?
Final Fantasy?
Dragon Ball Z?
Sailor Moon?
Cardcaptor Sakura?
Yu Yu Hakusho?
Star Wars?
Pirates of the Carribbean?

2 Name: VIPPER : 2008-08-23 15:02 [Del]

3 Name: VIPPER : 2008-08-23 15:33 [Del]

Fanfiction is not merely about laughing at those who are inferior just to make one's own self feel good or superior, you know.

4 Name: VIPPER : 2008-08-23 15:34 [Del]

America has enough of that from American Idol.

6 Name: VIPPER : 2008-08-23 21:26 [Del]

@@i@ ₯ƒΦ₯jOh okay I'll read your fanfiction right away!
@ Q|@½^(QQ_

@ ƒά^R-A_Q_

7 Name: VIPPER : 2008-08-23 22:04 [Del]

Not my fanfiction...

8 Name: VIPPER : 2008-08-23 22:23 [Del]

I am sure that there is better than that.

10 Name: VIPPER : 2008-08-23 22:49 [Del]

More like this

11 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-01 11:42 [Del]

12 Name: nigger : 2008-09-01 12:47 [Del]


13 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-02 15:44 [Del]

14 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-02 21:07 [Del]

16 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-03 20:50 [Del]

How about good fanfiction this time?

17 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-04 14:57 [Del]

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining the Diary of Anne Frank and The Matrix. The story should use tentacle rape as a plot device!

18 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 09:15 [Del]

Anne leaves the attic only to be caught and brutally raped in every orifice by a Sentinel. They both enjoy it thoroughly. The Nazis show up later and are pwned by the Sentinel who then elopes with Anne, fleeing to Switzerland.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining The Bible and Azumanga Daioh. The story should use a zombie attack as a plot device!

19 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 10:04 [Del]

That's easy - Jesus is the zombie who attacks.

I don't want to think about it any more than that, though.

20 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 10:49 [Del]


21 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 13:37 [Del]

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining the Diary of Anne Frank and The Matrix. The story should use tentacle rape as a plot device! It must be a good story.

22 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 14:09 [Del]

Your challenge is to predict and write a story for

23 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 15:39 [Del]

Shit, that's awesome, >>22.

24 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 16:00 [Del]


Squeeks-kun had promised to feed the Tablecat that day to thank him for things he sent him on the internet (thats none of your business XD) but Junior had stolen his hat that day! He thought about going with the other hat but that wouldn't work, it was very cold that day (remember its austraila ^^) and he spent one hour convincing him to give back the hat (thats for another fanfic, but its gonna have some grandpa~junior spanking so NSFW ^^)
Anyway he was late but then he saw DADDY COOL riding a taxi and he was going almost at the same place
"Hello im DADDYCOOL the VIPPE Rif you payme enough I will let yous hare the rIde with me ;)"
Squeeks removed his hat (the good one ofcourse) and went into the taxi. Then they arrived and Squeeks shared the fare and tipped the taxi then they said goodbye because Squeeks thought DADDY COOL was going somewhere else but they ended up going together to meet Tablecat. He was a little late, but Tablecat didn't really care. Squeeks gave him the food.

25 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 16:12 [Del]


26 Name: Artist of the VIPPERS : 2008-09-05 16:34 [Del]

Thank you, I think so too, because I created the comic.

27 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 17:19 [Del]

I don't like your comic because after reading it I have no reason to live any longer.

28 Name: Artist of the VIPPERS : 2008-09-05 17:27 [Del]

But don't you want to know what happens next?

29 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 17:36 [Del]

It won't live up to the preview.

30 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 18:27 [Del]

Squeeks had pushed DQN-kun against the wall and traced his finger south.
"You know, I don't really hate you. I couldn't ever get you off of my mind, but we couldn't let the others know. Now that it's just you and me, we can finally get to business."
DQN-kun shook with fear barely mumbling out, "Excuse me may I please leave here?"
Squeeks had chuckled and flicked his tongue against DQN-kun's sensitive neck. DQN-kun's freaky legs began to buckle as Squeeks continued to suck and bite.

31 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-05 18:45 [Del]

Don't have previews. Just make the next one.

32 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-06 07:44 [Del]

Ahaha awesome.

33 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-06 10:07 [Del]

Too short. Make it at least 2 pages or something.

34 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-06 10:09 [Del]

What about Squeeks' hat? I only read Squeeks fanfic because of hat action. Come on, don't be a letdown.

35 Name: VIPPER : 2008-09-07 01:13 [Del]


go to bed

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