Is anyone planning on playing it? I want to play on a server with other VIPPERs when it comes out next week!
My computer is not powerful enough to run your high-intensity games.
I'd love to play the vidya with mah VIPPERs, but I don't play MMORPGs.
The only multiplayer thing I really play anymore is METAL GEAR ONLINE ('A`)
I once saw a guy on MGO named VIPPER. No lie.
Then he deleted his account.
I think I'm playing on Wurtbad if any other VIPPERs want to come here on Destro.
Yeah. The lag would be unbearable if it wasn't, but it'd be cool if they had one international server everyone could join.
I might consider it, however I don't know if I'll have time for such an engaging experience as an MMO anytime soon.
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Like I ever played in a MMO
Yeah me neither dude they're sooo passé