how does it feel not to be a VIPPER
Its like being without mittens.
Without mittens? (''ßAß)
Hello I am not VIPPER ask me anything.
I second that question.
It's cold outside, I'm not taking off my mittens.
I think you are not what you say you are. I think you are actually VIPPER.
It sucks, guys. They make you work and stuff. Nobody knows what loli to issho means, and in fact I was told that I would be fired the next time I said it (but only because that resident gook translated).
That just means the QUALITY is working.
@@@@@@@@@ i@‹Í‹j@ƒ@You might not be a VIPPER, but mittens MUST continue their flow.
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I wonder, how do things smell when you are VIP QUALITY?