As you are very well aware, the burst housing bubble in the US has caused economic unrest all over the world, and the internet is no exception.
Recently, the value of the "lol" had wavered in the face of the fast-rising "lulz" whose false-promises failed to deliver sufficent quality to fully beat the "lol. In the same way that the US government is purchasing the debt from banks, a compromise was reached when the distributors of "lol" had agreed to purchase the failures of "lulz" and so consolidate their internet qualities. As such the "lols" is fast-replacing the usage of lol and lulz.
Now what is truly interesting is that while the english-speaking internet comedy economy recovers, other countries' e-comedy is also swooping down to fill this niche. Here on SAOVQ we also accept the w, which is very much reliant on the original lol. The real question is, if the lol is being replaced by the lols, what will happen to the w?
Further, we are experiencing fierce competition from the kekeke and the jaja, and even Brazil's huaehuae is claiming some comedy as well.
Do you think we should all use one specific expression for suitable e-laughter?
I did not read this thread, instead opting to move every w.
Exactly. I mean, people should censor such words and be banned for typing them. This and n**fag, I simply cannot stand these, spilling all over the internet.
What about the exotic Greek xa0ax0xa00xa0xa0xa?
OHOHO, I'd like to exchange in the case
Return to the VIPCoin standard, divest all powers from to the subboards, withdraw all VIPPERS from off site, conserve bandwidth. It's going to be a long night before the dawn breaks again, but with daddycool leading us we'll be okay.
The current economic crisis highlights the failure of the capitalist system!
Are VIPCoins safe from the Gnomes of Zürich?