iƒÖ.jI just pooped
iƒÖ.jI stick chocolate coronets up my butt
iƒÖ.jthe MMO I play in Lucky Star is an adult version of Second Life aimed towards furries.
iƒÖ.jmy mole isn't real
iƒÖjI forgot to bring my mole into school today.
i.ƒÖ.jI forgot which side it was on so I'll just marker in both sides and see if anyone tells me why I have a clone mole on the side opposite my original mole. Brilliant!
iƒÖ.j@How about a game of pretend?
iƒÖ.jLucky Star was a shitty show and I'm sorry it wasn't 22 minutes of Anime Tenchou.
ƒÖ.jApparently my fingers are all joint together, so my hands resemble mittens.
iƒÖ.j@I am masturbatory fanservice personified.
iƒÖ.jI've sucked more dicks than most pornstars.
iƒÖ.jSometimes when I become wet at school I'll flirt with a hot guy then take him to the bathroom for sex.
You'll never be that guy.
iƒÖ.jI reinvented Otakuism and turned it into a fine art.
iƒÖ.jI wish I inspired better kopipe than "I like Konata"
Konata? Fuck Konata, if I see someone else talk about that stupid little lanky cunt I'll punch them in the face. I'm tired of having to vomit whenever I see that hairless chimpanzee with her legs spread open. Her body is absolutely disgusting only to be accented by a gigantic head with eyes so large one of her tears could sink a small ship. Are you sure you aren't watching X-Files? She looks a lot like an alien to me. How about you go on ufosightings.com and jack off to a picture of a Gray; it would be more dignified than jacking off to some cryptozoological creature whose only purpose in the show is to make boring small talk because that's all the entire fucking anime is about. Maybe you'll be trying to imitate the opening dance in your bedroom and slip on a poster of that stupid cunt and go flying head first into the corner of a broken piece of glass that you didn't clean up because you were too busy watching your stupid fucking Lucky Star. Maybe then you'll die and I don't have to read any more of your stupid fucking posts. Kagami is pretty cute though.
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iƒÖ.j I get lonely when less than 5 boys are talking to me on AIM.
iƒÖ.j@Oh shit, that time of the month again.
I like Konata because she is a otaku like me, except she has friends. Oh god I wish I had friends too ;_;
Konata also likes videogames and she is kawaii. And there are lesbians in the show and that's good because I like lesbians and I will never have a girlfriend. Why am I such a loser?!
Konata is like my dreamgirl she has a :3 face I love that. She is also nice why aren't real girls nice!? I got dumped a lot of times but I love konata and she wouldn't dump me because she's so nice and cool.
We would play videogames all day and watch Naruto and other cool animes on TV, and I would have sex with her because sex is so good. I wish I could have sex with a girl.
It's ok. Soon Japan will invent something so great, we will stop bothering with real women. Or has it already happened?
Anime, the tool to make us all part of Japan's world army in the future.
It's not like any VIPPERs would be anywhere other than the academic positions anyways. And what's so bad about being a hacker for the country that keeps you from killing yourself in your spare time?
iƒÖ.j@I am the alpha, and the omega
iƒÖ.j I serve as a weeaboo barometer. If you like me at all, you are hopeless social waste.
iƒÖ.j@You can train-molest me, if you want. I wouldn't mind...
someone put a cornet on the tracks and she derailed
iƒÖ.j@I really really really like that golden helm you have can I try it on can I use it for a while :3 pls :3
iƒÖ.j@Cucumbers or carrots, that is the question.
iƒÖ.jI'm actually Corean.
iƒÖ.j@Why is it called a cornet, if it doesn't have any corn in it?
It's named for the shape. Cornet comes from the latin corne, which means "horn".
The more you know!