[Conspiracy] Daddy Cool's shady overseas business [Ads] (6)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-09 11:52 [Del]

As you can see from this thread, Daddy Cool has been found operating in European territory. My theory is that the recent economical recession cut back Daddy Cool's enormous VIPPER related profits so he had to resort to doing ads for French car companies.

Or could it be that Daddy Cool infiltrated an advertising agency in order to give us VIPPERs some hints on what "paying him enough" actually means? Could 27250€ (+ a GPS system) be the sum of money Daddy Cool is looking to collect?

And what is "Pai fixe?" Some sort of alias? Daddy Cool's twin brother? An impostor? Maybe Daddy Cool's foreign clone who sports a mustache?

There's too many mysteries in this, if you ask me.

2 Name: Emissary of the w4ch : 2008-10-10 03:12 [Del]

I propose that JEWS are involved.

3 Name: ITALIAN VIPPER : 2008-10-10 03:49 [Del]

<Insert slur related to Frenchmen here>

4 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-10 05:09 [Del]

In the battle of Iforgotwhere of WWII, the Italian fleet was superior to the enemy forces in every aspect. Out of all possible perks, they chose to take advantage of the higher speed, which allowed the to flee form certain failure.

5 Name: ITALIAN VIPPER : 2008-10-10 06:44 [Del]

<Insert random slur directed to Frenchmen with additional ASCII art of someone closing his ears>

6 Name: FRENCH VIPPER : 2008-10-10 12:57 [Del]

Too bad DADDY COOL waited so long, I can't afford to buy an additional PARAGON OF OUR INDUSTRIAL EXCELLENCE. Are there some COOL conversion kits for existing Citroëns?

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