I do not discuss Jews at the dinner table (10)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-11 12:22 [Del]

I find them distasteful and they ruin my appetite

2 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-11 16:10 [Del]

It is easier to imagine the Jew as an entity devoid of matter, or better yet, a sack of gold.

3 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-12 07:12 [Del]

I find jews delicious, tender and appetizing. Especially orange jews.

4 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-13 00:40 [Del]

Orange Jews, fresh from concentration camp.

5 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-13 02:39 [Del]

Concentrated pineapple jews are also tasty.

6 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-13 06:39 [Del]

They cannot beat the taste of freshly squeezed orange Jews.

7 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-14 16:01 [Del]


8 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-14 20:52 [Del]

I prefer my Jews baked at 350 degrees. Crunchy.

9 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-14 20:54 [Del]

>>8 Is a cannibal

10 Name: VIPPER : 2008-10-16 16:25 [Del]

Silly >>9, 8-san said nothing of eating

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