Pat pat it's okay. At least you have VIPPER friends to hang out with!
What is your function in life?
To explode, of course.
( ・-・) Today I'm doing math homework!
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
I must ask the OP. Do you have VIPPER friends in real life?! Like real VIPPERS?! Or are these e-friends?
There are no real-life VIPPERs.
I would do it for you VIPPER if I could~ What level math is it?
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I am happy to inform you that you are wrong. It is not because there are no VIPPERs, but because VIPPERs do not look at t-shirts, and therefore never notice your signals. To attract the attention of your local VIPPER collective it may be necessary to boon around town.
This is indeed true. I regularly wear both my SAoVQ, BU-N, and VIPPER shirts but no one ever notices or even questions it.
I don't have such shirts; I'm a cheapskate.
I wear my perpetually goofy grin and wandering hands. So far only the ladies have noticed, and even then I've made contact with no VIPPERs.
i also wish i had some VIPPER friends, as it is my friends have very little knowledge of the internet beyond lame MMOs
I want to drink the night away with VIPPERs.
Same thing here except that you have to replace MMO by Counter-strike source.
Sounds like germany to me, if so there must be at least two GERMAN VIPPERs.
Sounds like ZERG RUSH ZERG RUSH KEKEKEKE to me, if so there must be at least two COREAN VIPPERs ~nida
>>28 I love you Italian VIPPER. You bring a flavor to my mouth I've never had.
I am wondering, what are VIPPERs like in real life? Do you ever do anything outwardly VIP Quality in real life without realizing it? I have found myself bu-ning without realizing it from time to time.
I bu-n'd spontaneously when I went out to breathe some fresh air after eight hours of doing silly projects.
I used to have a VIP QULAITY friend. We used to talk about VIP QUALITY subjects. Now he just wants to talk about his failure with women, his success with alcohol, and ask me if I can get him drugs (I don't).
Last summer I once bu-n'd around a classroom at college after finishing an exam once everyone else had left.
Oh no, I am the VIPPER who tends to lament about his failures and share the news of his occasional successes with The Only One, my Better Half, dearest K. I'm sorry.
She ignored you though. I suggest continuing with your plans of burning down her house!
I wonder how many people regularly post
I used to think maybe 12 people posted at least once a week, with some other people posting very occasionally and the odd person who would post in a few threads upon his first visit and then leave.
I feel this place used to be slightly more active than it is now.
Wow a lot of people regularly bu-n. I do too! We should all record clips of us bu-ning (wearing VIPPER masks of course) and put it into a video to put on youtube like the Japanese VIPPER ones!
I can't do that right now. She invited me to her birthday party. I am confused.
I don't think that's right. If you've seen the SAoVQ steam group there are at least 20 people in there and that is just people who play TF2 and happened to see the thread. I feel like there are probably 100 or 150 people who regularly visit SAoVQ but post irregularly.
I need more information in order to give you more accurate advice, but just remember that girls aren't that important. Anyway, I feel for you, MY SWEET SWEET VIPPER.
Nonono, it is not just about a girl. It is about a friend. Now, whenever I meet a potential friend, I think "oh my, K would never spent that much on silly boots" or "K would be quiet right now, and understand that sometimes you just want to be with someone and not force a conversation" or "gosh, he made a wry face when he discovered what kind of music I listen to, he's too serious". She was pretty much perfect.
I think I'll just go to that party and see what happens.
There are two sub-threads interweaving in this thread. How extreme.
This weekend I am initiating the SAoVQ bu-n video. Prepare yourself!
This weekend I am initiating the SAoVQ bu-n video. Prepare yourself!
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃
| / BU-N
( ヽノ
三 レレ
No-ones perfect. If you met yourself you might think 'that guy seems to be thinking about something else a lot'. You gotta accept peoples flaws. Even K has to be flawed somehow.
Go to the party. Be nice. Try to stop comparing people and have a good time.