Once again, despite having things to do tomorrow I am going to bed at 3AM. This will give me about 3 hours of sleep before I have to get up for work. How many other VIPPERs share this terrible disease of late night ADDICTION?
VIPPER never sleeps
This is so true. Even though I love sleep, I can't stop staying awake.
VIPPER is not in education, employment or training.
Staying on the computer leads to insomnia. My doctor told me to shut off all electronics at 8PM at the latest if I want to get to bed.
What my doctor does not know is that I am a VIPPER, and thus I can never leave the computer. Thus I get no sleep.
I put off work until it's too late every night.
I want to take it easy.
I can not go without sleep, so it is with deep regret that I pry myself away from the computer and Daddy Cools smiling face every night to go bed at a reasonable hour. However, my dreams are always of me browsing SAoVQ and other websites I find tasteful, so at least in my heart and mind I am never far from the quality.
Wow I can't believe there are so many VIPPERs on at this hour. WE ARE ALL GOING TO BE SO TIRED TOMORROW. (゚ω゚ )
Normally, when I have education, employment or training the next day, I go to bed at 2, so I could wake up at 6:30. But when Thursday comes, I stay up late, the go to bed around 8 in the morning, and wake up in the evening. Then, at Sunday, I have problems switching back to my normal schedule, and I am always late at Monday! (゚∀゚)
I am a VIPPER of the aforementioned NEET variety. It would be a mortal sin if I were to sacrifice my time to any activity other than providing up-to-date QUALITY for SAoVQ. Thus, I never sleep.
I only go to sleep when I simply can't stay awake any longer. I rarely actually think "now I'll go to sleep", I usually fall asleep in the middle of reading or watching a film or something of the sort.
Naturally this means I have no real sleeping "pattern". I'm currently NEETing, but when I had a job I would sometimes fall sound asleep in the middle of it. ヾ(゜∀゜)ノ♪
Fortunately said job involved fairly long periods of sitting around doing nothing, and I never sleep for more than three or four hours in one stretch (although usually I wake up for only twenty minutes or so then sleep for another few hours) so this habit didn't contribute to my current NEEThood. It was just general laziness that did that!
I only have education on Tuesdays, so Mondays I tend to go to bed rather early.
Other than that I usually stay up until about 1-2 am.
I usually stay up until about 2-3 am when I do have classes the next day. щ(゚Д゚щ)
I never go to sleep. And on the off-chance that I do, I'm reading how to draw on the right side of my brain.
But that never happens so I'll always be shitty at drawing, BUT WHO NEED TO DRAW WHEN YOU HAVE VIP QUALITY?
I have trouble both going to sleep and waking up. 。・゚(ノД`)゚・。
I generally don't start assignments until midnight the day before unless they're going to take more than six hours or so.
It comes in handy when I'm wandering around drunk at 4 AM and everyone else is passed out on the floor. RAPE TIME!
I have the same problem, I can only really relax after everyone else has gone to bed. In summer it's quite nice because it means I can go outside at about five to watch the sunrise and then go straight to bed. But at the moment it's a pain because I have to get up in the mornings for lectures and so am constantly half-asleep.
I want to fall asleep but I have to many games to beat before the week ends
It's 5 am and I'm still up. AGHHHHH
I fell asleep at my desk instead of walking to my room for two consecutive days.
I have a stay-up shirt.
I have a siesta sleeping pattern.
I get 5 hours sleep a night and I sleep for 20 - 40 minutes on buses whilst commuting to my institute of education each day.
Of course at the weekends this falls apart and I end up sleeping from 3am until noon.
I have a terrible sleeping pattern. I stay up to around 1-2 AM each weekday and wake up at 6 AM. I normally take a long nap after education time, which further ruins my schedule. By the time the weekend rolls around, I sleep like a madman. I can wake up after a long sleep only to take a three hour nap two hours later on a weekend. But hey, I'm getting by.
Why sleep when I could be sharing time with fellow VIPPERS? When I could be sleeping during my lectures?? The professor is so boring, and the room is so large, and the chairs are so unassuming 。・゚(ノД`)゚・。
I find there is nothing nicer than quiet hours at my desk with a VIP community. And then I admit defeat, and crawl into bed. And I find there is nothing nicer.
I am not in education, employment or training and persistently celebrate my situation by VIP! Sleeping from 3am to 1-2pm becomes a VIP!
I prefer going to bed at 5-6 pm or earlier, if I can, and then wake up at roughly 1-2 am and continue my day from there on. However, currently my schedule is rather normal, as I go to bed at midnight and wake up at 6:30 am during weekdays. On weekends I just kinda stay up until roughly 3-6 am, depending on how tired I have gotten during the week and wake up whenever in the afternoon.
I've been going to sleep around 6-7am as of late, despite having class in the morning. It is an accomplishment.
Another night til 2AM huh?
Hello VIPPERs it is 3AM. Wish me luck on my Japanese final in four hours!
>>38, I wish for you to not fail as catastrophically as I doubtlessly did.
Today, I had both an exam and a provete Japanese session. You are like that cool VIPPER~~!
I did not catch an eyeful of sleep last night. Yet I went to a job interview, and frikkin' nailed that shit. I believe QUALITY is what fueled my performance.
>>42 I hope you included VIPPING''' in the hobbies section of your resume. Bonus points for sneaking in the phrase
if you payme enough'' during salary negotiations.
I did mention putting the cat on the table. As metaphor for regular team meetings.
I've been nocturnal recently. Final papers do that to me.
Of course once break starts I will be nocturnal as well, but for other pursuits.
It's midnight and I still haven't touched the 10 page paper I'm supposed to write for tomorrow D:
It's 5:30 AM and I've touched a lot, but accomplished little.
Up at 2:30am right now, but with a good reason; just bought L4D.
Really good game to play late at night. Helps with the mood.
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