∧_∧(⌒) ―― ★ ――― ←>>3
( ) /|l // | ヽ
(/ ノl|ll / / | ヽ
(O ノ 彡'' / .|
/ ./ 〉 ガッ!
No || Kill
Effort ∧||∧←>>5 Oh yeah!
∧_∧ ∧_∧ (/ ⌒ヽ ∧_∧ ∧_∧
( ´∀`) ( ´∀`) | | | (´∀` ) (´∀` )
( ) ( ) ∪ / ノ ( ) ( )
| | | | | | | || | | | | | |
(__)_) (__)_) ∪∪ (_(__) (_(__)
It was a block of length 4. On the left side there is a single unit block one unit above the two on either side of it, and a correctly drawn L block one space over. This shows that not only does the artist of >>3 know what a correct L block looks like, and that the unit block below the one of horizontal length 4 a is a block which could be anything, but that whoever was playing fucked up majorly with a length 4 block prior to the one currently in play.
Then if I'm not mistaken, that version of Tetris isn't going to be TGM, since the piece algorithm will not allow repeat I blocks, meaning that said player is a noob and needs to lern2play.
Wait, wouldn't the poster in front of you be the post BELOW yours?
I mean, you read the thread from top to bottom... so it only makes sense.
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/∧_∧ |.::/ ,' ,-,ニ-、 < pre-emptive strike nida!
/ <`∀´>/./ ,' ./../ ::.ノ \____________
. |-'"^' / ̄,__/ ,' / / :/
〉/ ̄ , ' /レヘ/ ::/
/ >、 (/ンヘ<(__;; イ-‐ァ
ミ / / 7':::::/' 〉:: ノ
ヾ /⌒ヽ,ィツ /:::/' ,-( ノ) )
ヾ / / ,ィツ、__)`ー(彳ヽ/ :ノヽ 'ー '
./ ヽ、 ツ .:::)// ̄ .>ヽ'/フ
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((_.ヽ--‐'"彡 ( ノ))
ヾ' '`ー'ー'
...ミ /i|
/ //
/ ./ ̄
/ ./
∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧
( ゚ A ') ( ゚ A゚) ( ゚Д゚ )
( >>17) ( >>18) (>>19 )
| | | | | | | | |
(__)_) (__)_) (_(__)
Ow, who the hell drops that out of the sky? Seriously!
...‐''゙ . ` ´ ´、 ゝ ''‐...
..‐´ ゙ `‐..
/ \
.................;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::´ ヽ.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.................
.......;;;;;;;;;;゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙ .' >>20 ヽ ゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙;;;;;;;;;;......
;;;;;;゙゙゙゙゙ / ゙: ゙゙゙゙゙;;;;;;
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゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.......;............................. ................................;.......;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙
ノi|lli; i . .;, 、 .,, ` ; 、 .; ´ ;,il||iγ
/゙||lii|li||,;,.il|i;, ; . ., ,li ' ; .` .; il,.;;.:||i .i| :;il|l||;(゙
`;;i|l|li||lll|||il;i:ii,..,.i||l´i,,.;,.. .il `, ,i|;.,l;;:`ii||iil||il||il||l||i|lii゙ゝ
_ /⌒ヽ
 ̄  ̄ . (;;)∀´(:;)>>21
. ' ヽ ;;;、;。;
/ //
/ //
,-( ヽ i /
/ メ、ヽ ヽ | /
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θ ヘ | / .;:*
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/ /. / | ;;ヾ#丶;;、;。;` ( / / 〃,
( / / l と と ) て ̄ /
し' /__) (_(_,J
>>24 Your lack of AA is WEAK. WEAK.
\\\\\\\_____\\\\\ \\\
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// , ,-- 、ヽ ヽ、
/~、O / || \\__________ヽ,
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ヽ!l.b,i ! |.|\\( )| | 'Y,) ・; :;: ___;:;; ;: : :;:.....
l.!,!,7 ! || \ /\  ̄\ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ̄ ̄\ ̄ ̄\ ~\≡二⌒ ⌒\ ・,’・;::
ヾ!ソ__\\ |\ \ \ \ \ ;::・;:...≡二((。) (. ゚) \ ・,’;::∵・
\\| \ . \ ヽ ., / ;::二:::::⌒(人__)⌒::::: \ グハッ
\.\ ./- 、丶 ,.−、 \ ;;..:; 二 |r┬-| (⌒)・’...┰:・:”・:¨’”
\ ヽl、!ノ'!! i Y ヽ=======ゝ=\ ≡ `ー'´ ノ ~.レ-r┐、>>24
\l.!0-i ! i、ヽ__,ノ.|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||ヽ_,ノ レ-r┐、| .| | |
l/!ヽ! | ゝニニ二二二二二二二二二ニ 〃 . 〈 ̄ `-Lλ_レレ
ヾ!ソ ヽ, ==|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|=| ー‐---‐‐´
 ̄ 'ゝー-!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,リ-'
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