Omit actual meals, but the last time you snacked on something.
For me, it's the raspberry-chocolate coffee with the vanilla biscotti.
iց.jChoco cornet
Mars bar.
An apple that resembled a pear in its consistency.
A peanut-butter cookie.
Sesame seed bagel.
I'm not Mexican, they just happen to be in my fridge.
In two separate bags.
A bread heel with soy sauce on it.
I'd go grocery shopping, but the store is a whole three miles away and I have 20 pages to research and write by Thursday.
strawberry pocky
Cherry twizzler
Salty pretzels.
I had a heapin' helpin' of hot dogs
( ) Mitten shaped sugar cookies
A warm roast beef sandwich with lots of hot sauce and some Doritos (the hot kind).
My drink was cold though.
Chocolate chip oatmeal cookies mashed up in vanilla ice cream
Candy cane flavored Hershey Kiss(es)
Melted cheese, tomatoes, and pesto on fried pita bread. Fuck, I eat some good shit.
Noodles. They are not agreeing with me.
VIPPER, where the hell can I get or make some pesto? Seriously I love that shit but I can never find it.
Olive oil or butter, basil, and otjer jerbs can make your own basic pesto sauce. You can qet creative and add lots of your own spices. Jowever, you sjould also be able to find pesto sauce at your local supermarket. At my supermarket it`s in tje refriqerated section, next to tje refriqerated pasta.
(sorry some of my keys aren`t workinq)
Gingerbread Cookies. <3
Pork fucking tacos
honey nut cherrios
meatball sub
Vegetable flavour Mr. Noodles doused with Tabasco sauce and a hint of parsley.
Chinese Fried Dumplings
eggs, hashbrowns, and sausage
a true american breakfast
brownies with buttercreme frosting
Crackers, cheese, and tunafish
delicious crispy fluffy waffle with strawberries
Crispy Crunch bar
Sweet corn and tuna fish sand wich
His name was Scotty, and as far as pancakes went he was pretty ace.
sweet bagels and butter
Mini-eggs and one of those cream eggs.
One Cornish pasty
Four caramel and chocolate digestives
One glass on orange juice
what exactly are Milano Cookies?
I, for one, am curious.
I live in Italy, and rest assured they do not exist in any such shape or form here. It's like the bolonnaise and several other things you think are Italian while they are horrible, horrible hodgepodges.
Milanos are as Italian as the Olive Garden.
Don't worry, ITALIAN VIPPER. Many people in the US are aware that Milano cookies aren't really Italian. America (but not just America) has a marketing tactic where they will claim that some product originates from another country in an attempt to make it more appealing (some people are attracted to exoticism).
But I won't lie, as manufactured as they are, Milano cookies are decent.
follow up: Regarding the cookies, they're decent if they're eaten dry. If you dunk it in milk, the actual biscuit part absorbs water (and it happens pretty fast). The filling is oil-based, so it doesn't.
So what ends up happening is that the filling inside the cookie is more solid than the biscuit surrounding it. It's a strange texture for a cookie.
cookies should never be dipped into milk. WHO THE FUCK LIKES SOGGY COOKIES?
Quick dip them. Also some cookies can't get soggy, like Oreos.
That's complete bullshit, I've had soggy Oreos before.
Are you from some kind of moon colony, sir?
I fucking love soggy cookies. When I was little I used to entertain the compulsion of dipping EACH COOKIE for a time greater than or equal to the minimum required for the cookie to become 1-2/4ths soggy enough to break off. And if it did break off, I had a treat to look forward to for when I drank all the milk. Fuck yeah.
I had bacon eggs and sausage on a roll with brown sauce!
The roll was tiny. I had to fry the bacon until it was extra crispy, fry the smallest sausage I could find and the fry the egg just right so it would all fit on.
I ate some UNCLE RAY chips because they were dirt cheap. On the back of the bag, it has UNCLE RAY telling a story about his childhood with some morals to live by. The chips themselves are alright I guess.
This sounds amazing.
pot stickers
tim-tams, right now
wasabi potato chips
chocolate milk
Seaweed snacks, made in Corea.
All Bran cereal, KEEPIN IT REAL.
hey hey HEY
unless you're sitting at your computer, eating them by the handful, you need to delete your post.
I ate that in between meals, so would that still constitute as a snack... right? ('A` )
A handful of jolly ranchers and resins.
Tequila: It's what's for breakfast...
I just had a Kitkat
Toast, and then a glass of coke.
Left this weird taste on the roof of my mouth...
Fried egg sandwich with a fried slice of shaved ham, topped with pepper and ketchup.
Girl scout cookies, certainly mana from heaven.
Tea and cookies.
Dougnut with chocolate frosting
>>83 This, very this
Chocolate chip cookies. 10 Seconds in the microwave.
stolen bagel with raisins
An apple. It was okay I guess. I don't think it was quite ripe yet though, it was hard and sour.