[Hey DADDYCOOL listen] Requesting embed FUNKY SOUND. [VIPMAS] (4)

1 Name: COMMUNIST CIPPER : 2008-12-24 08:44 [Del]


This COOL TUNE made by ITALIAN VIPPER for VIPMAS should be playing 24/7 on saovq too!

2 Name: Vippikins : 2008-12-24 14:31 [Del]

(` ~ ) < Hi my name is ACIDCAT and I like SEEINGS SOUNDS with my MIND

3 Name: VIPPER : 2008-12-24 14:59 [Del]

As a synesthete, I am offended that the visualization of unrelated faculties is related strictly to LSD usage. Please do not further post this S_JIS art, as it will at to the stigma that we of the synasthesia community already face.

4 Name: VIPPER : 2008-12-24 15:59 [Del]

(` ~ ) ...

(` ~ ) YEAH MAN

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