ノ( ヘヘ──
I need to stay awake for 19 more hours! My sleep cycle is messed up, and I need to get it back to normal. Any tips for this VIPPER? Or, if you have any distracting/fun games to play, please do tell!
I've currently been awake for 12 hours now.
Stay away from caffeine.
Swap your lightbulbs for higher wattage and position them so they shine at you.
Eat properly.
I don't drink any coffee at all, but it's tempting me very badly~ It's already 8am here. Only 12 hours to go! (´・ω・`)
I've been watching Monster for the past bit, it's very entertaining and it's keeping me up. ( ・∀・)
Drink water - much more than you usually would. That always helps for me, at least.
It's 9:27 a.m. and I'm having eggs and hashbrowns. I feel pretty good, almost like normal. I think I can do this!!
Thank you for your support VIPPERs!
I would do the caffeine.
Dont know if it
s your thinq, but Fallout 3 could easily keep me awake for 19 hours.
Also, eatinq and drinkinq properly, as mentioned, are helpful. Also stay active; qo outside for a little brisk walk for example.
Thanks for all your support VIPPERs. It's already 11:47, but I feel like I'm crashing. I'm going to drink more and eat more. I CAN DO THIS. ( ゚∀゚)( ゚∀゚)( ゚∀゚)
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