๏̯͡๏﴿ '(I would prefer not to live, but the light opacity of these bricks lets me think of better days)
Because I love SAoVQ with all of my body, including my peepee.
I lost 85% of my life savings in the tech bubble
I donated 85% of my life to DADDY COOL
I thought I had real friends until I found out they didn't know who DADDY COOL was.
I had real friends until they found out that I knew who DADDY COOL was.
I know exactly why I post here.
DADDY COOL is my only real friend.
I post here because it's a totally cool place to chill and relax with friends. It's VIP QUALITY.
I post here because I like secret cliques and in-jokes, and I understand the culture here because I spend a lot of time around computers and on the internet.
I almost never visit this website, don't know why it's still in my bookmark bar... To say the truth I like DQN better, but I still can't bring myself to delete my SAoVQ bookmark...
Its better than the entire rest of any other forum or imageboard ever made.
You know, I don't quite know either.
I thought it would make me cool in front of all the girls
My e-peen has grown by ⅝ of a centimetre since visiting this website!
But! Don't take my word for it! look for yourself!
this is what all the cool kids do...
And im a Shoko-tan fan....