Why don't we have a Densha Otoko story already? (7)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2009-02-10 19:27 [Del]

I think we should pool together our resources and turn one lonely VIPPER into the ultimate dating machine. He will date a cute girl (or maybe more in the future) and report back to us with pictures and date details then we can all live vicariously through him. I vote for >>3-san to be that VIPPER!

     、 l ,(^( ゚∀゚)^) LIVING VICARIOUSLY!
   ハ_ハ(゚∀゚)- )  /
 ('(゚∀゚∩.l ` (
  ヽ  〈

2 Name: VIPPER : 2009-02-10 19:35 [Del]

Welcome to 2005. Enjoy your stay.

3 Name: VIPPER : 2009-02-10 21:54 [Del]


Quiet, you.

4 Name: VIPPER : 2009-02-10 22:00 [Del]

We had that texting :* guy in the bump thread.

5 Name: VIPPER : 2009-02-10 22:50 [Del]

That's me and my future girl-friend has currently some problems with her life and I don't know how will it turn out. I'm sorry.

6 Name: VIPPER : 2009-02-10 23:09 [Del]

7 Name: VIPPER : 2009-02-11 19:18 [Del]

Okay I vote we make :* man Train-man. Why don't your future girlfriend like you yet? Or at least why isn't she your girlfriend yet?

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