Billy Herrington is being made into a figure.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
They speak of "vippers" on the aforementioned news site. How come I never heard of it?
It's a pretty decent anime news site. He isn't exactly informed but he picks up on some things that you may not know of. I feel as though we really need a Japanese speaking informant for SAoVQ. Keep us updated on all the 2ch trends and news.
I'm sorry to bring 4**** news here but can we all look at those pictures of moot and let out a furious giggle?
He also managed to be friends with Allyson AND Snacks. I wonder how you do that and remain sane?
www The funny thing is this is on the OFFICIAL SAITAMA tourism site.
>A man drunk on mouthwash who performed oral sex on his unconscious sister in Rainbow Park was sentenced to jail-time served and three years probation Tuesday in Sarnia court.
>drunk on mouthwash
What on earth...
Also some Saitama news:
MOLESTATION SQUADRON. While this is actually a decent idea, the idea is somehow humorous.
I read recently that Saitama is mostly a working class area (whereas the rest of Japan is more varied) so that explains why there is such a high rate of crime (and weird stuff going on) compared to the rest of Japan.
And of course to go along with this, some amazing Saitama news
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