We never know what hits us and when it does, so we have to be prepared for the worst possibility.
I think that we should establish an internet shelter. So we could talk and totally chill in there, waiting for the crisis to pass.
No I don't think SAoVQ will ever die what are you talking about stop fear mongering you fear monger
I want to think that it never dies. I thought that my grandpa would never die.
Let's build an arc.
Well, when the Russians 4-chan died they all took up shelter on iichan. They just keep to themselves in one or two threads and it works quite well. I think we could probably do the same.
I hope that SAoVQ doesn't die before we unlock the fourth mode in the menu. (・Д・)``
I trust that most of us would be able to find and/or decide of the new cool cat hangout by ourselves in a matter of weeks anyway.
So what now? Things are going bad.
You're going bad.
This food just went bad. orz
I'd make cheese from all the milk that went rancid in a 3000-mile radius.
We will create a VIP arc.
Post on DQN
If we want to survive the DDOS WINTER we need to decentralize now. I propose a webring.
Or we could just make a new board where we mention the word "SAoVQ" a lot and count on the remarkable street-smartness of the VIPPERs to find that new site using search engines such as Bing and Yahoo.
> search engines such as Bing
I believe you meant "decision engine."
Can I list my Sim City fansite on it? It's VIP QUALITY, I assure you.
I'd have to learn how to masturbate with my off-hand.
I'll start an SAOVQ zine and print whatever gets sent to me in the mail.
Spread the good news of VIP QUALITY throughout the world as some sort of VIPPER prophet. And maybe try participating in FidoNet. That thing looks like the model of VIP QUALITY computer networking.
SAOVQ will never die
Archive all the threads before they're deleted, then read them over and over again.
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┃ .ぬるぽヽ:::::::ヽ/::::::::::::::::::::::/il/ ヽ::::::::::::::::::ヽ/:::::::::::::/ガッ ┃
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┃│hide from attacker......│.::::/li/ i :::::::::::::│wait for nullpo.... │┃
┃┗─────────┛:/i!/ i::::::::::::::::::┗───────┛┃
I'd keep posting in a chat thread