I use an eeePC 701, and it is great for VIPPING. But what wows me about these netbooks is that they're very capable of running programs that you wouldn't expect to run. This thread's purpose is to serve as a directory of cool things that run on netbooks (mostly games).
So let's start!
Firstly, the following games are capable of running on my eee without any problem
-World of Goo
-Unreal Tournament 99
-ePSXe (no problems with any game so far, except Omega Boost)
-Lumines PC
-Everyday Shooter
-Blocksum, Cave Story, Butterfly (sort of obvious)
there are things that I haven't confirmed
-PSO Blue Burst? (Probably not but I fell out of PSO a long time ago)
-WoW? (I don't like WoW but I have heard it does actually run. Not smoothly, but it runs)
-Dreamcast emulators? This would be pretty interesting, but since I have a dreamcast there's no real need.
-Audiosurf? (I don't have it and I keep putting off the purchase)
Things that DO NOT WORK:
-Ray Catcher
Dreamcast Emulators like Chankast require a processor of about 1.6 Ghz. I think the eee 701 has a 900 Mhz processor underclocked to about 600 Mhz. If you have eeectl you can clock it to 900 Mhz and you might be able to run some games.
I have a eee1000h and a copy of Audiosurf, I'll try that later.
The only other games I have on my eee is Duke Nukem 3D and GTA2, both of which run fine.
If you can run ePSXe, you should be able to run MAME with no problems.
Games on my Eeepc 1000h? I think not, despite it having the hyperhreaded 1.6Ghz proc.
Mine is set up with Eee...bu-n...tu 8.04. I have a full set of network and wireless "analysis" tools at my disposal in a very small package. Is l33t, VIP quality?
Also great for when I have to go to Data Centers for work. Yay ultra-portables!!
OP here
disregard Ray Catcher it kind of sucks (it's like a dimestore audiosurf)
> Dreamcast Emulators like Chankast require a processor of about 1.6 Ghz.
My desktop is a pretty manly quad-core monster way over every system requirement they list, and there's almost no DC game it runs right. It's not a hardware issue, DC emulation is just not quite there yet, mostly because of typical emulation-scene drama.
If you can run epsxe, it means you definitely can run Saturn games too.
I have a 1000H. I am posting on it right now from a hotel room. Can I also use these games?
OP here
I own a Saturn i@߄D߁j(with modchip)
maybe if I start living out of a suitcase I could consider downloading radiant silvergun and keeping on there
But don't you also need a multiple core processor for decent Saturn emulation? The saturn has two processors and part of what was impeding saturn emulation 3 years ago was trying to pack already parallelized code into a single processor