[VIDEOS] Let us share videos we have made [QUALITY] (2)

1 Post deleted by user.

2 Name: VIPPER : 2009-04-28 22:56 [Del]

          ,. -──- 、
       ,'::::;i:/レ'  ヽiヽ:::::::::::::::::!
       l::::|'r,:=;   ,:=;、';i:::::::::::::!
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     ,'.三ミi 'ー'゙  'ー'゙ |:::::::::::::|   
     | 'ri''ヾ:、  r‐┐  ,.|::::::::::::::|  
     l |i,__!:>'=''r‐''".i:::::r、:::::|    Ah, I want to see the videos that other fellow VIPPERs have made. I have just recently made this -
      ! l,|: |"  ゙、'、 ;:/::;/ ヽ:|   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li6OpVDxhl8   
     l!  |大"    `''"/'"'   ヽ     
     !  | ヽ|     、i  ,. イ'
      !   ' /!        l,/  |

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