I can't be deprived of my SAoVQ, lest I not achieve VIP quality.
I only post from school
Is posting from the bowels of a noisy, cold data center VIP quality?
i post from school but you guys are boring jeez stop being boring.
You know if you type "secret area" into Google SAoVQ comes up as the second result in the drop-down box. This does not seem well.
Fortunately other users will still have to type out "secret area" so you're safe.
I'm posting from my friend's laptop whilt I watch him and another friend play Dynasty Warriors 5.
It's not like I shouldn't be posting from here, but it's not like I really should be either, y'know?
why aren't you playing dw5 with him? those games are somewhat fun with bros.
I'm VIPPIN' from the physics building now. Theres only one building in my school which I haven't VIPPED from now.
I've VIPPED from the bathroom at work.
Number two, too.
This Thursday, I will head towards the Stronghold of the Faculty of Technology and Machinery, and will share the Internet with the descendants of the lumberjacks.
I wasn't playing then because DW5 is 2 player.
They played it for 9 hours straight unlocking items and characters.
This is what I get for not reading it right in the first place.
I'm in the school toilet right now. It is certainly nice.
Google said: "Did you mean Secretary of VIP Quality?"
I'm VIPPING from a bus! I have no idea how they installed WiFi on this thing, but they did! It's amazing.
Im posting from my neighbors wifi. Im far too lazy to plug into my router...
The hotel room; with some one snorring in the other bed.
Over 9000 miles to drive tomorrow.
I'm Vipping from WAMU 88.5, DC's NPR radio station!
I'm about to take a final SAoVQ. Wish me the wisdom of Daddy Cool in my quest.
Posting from school, instead of finishing my online classes.
Posting from my home-town.
I'm about to take my SAoVQ finals. Wish me luck!
Posting from a friends house. Not exactly taboo, since I'm using my own laptop.
Posting from the forbidden city
My computer at work can't do SJIS. ー looks like a dash here, and Shii is not smiling.
I'm posting from my house when I should be attending a group to help me deal with depression.
Posting from my phone in the comfort of my bedroom. My parents dont allow me much around the PC anymore.
I just realised that I didn't even notice the whole move out thing. I just live alone and that feels natural.
posting from my newly bought ps3 & 50" lcd. too broke to afford a keyboard for it now. been typing this w/ g.pad for 2 minutes.
sjis obviously broken.
Import Demon's Souls or buy it this fall when it comes out here.
I'll consider it.
Now posting from an Ubuntu partition added to it. Impressive how painless it was to set up.
Wait... now that I've turned it into a computer and plugged in a keyboard, I guess I'm off-topic... sorry.
I'm on break.
Im posting from school while my teacher's watching
I'm at home now but bumping for future use from university classroom computers.
I am posting during a high powered business meeting
Posting from a beach cottage when I should be at the beach.
Posting from afterlife Internet.
posting using the Force
Posting while on the porcelain throne with a queue waiting outside.
Posting from some random hotel in Ohio while on vacation
Posting from the roof. Damn it where's the super with those keys
VIPPIN' from a college I don't even go to
Posting from home
Posting from telegondola on my phone.
Posting from university registration computer...
You should put some of the squares with other squares to make bigger squares in areas that they should be, >>66-san
Attempting to access SAoVQ and other VIP QUALITY websites from computers other than my own has taught me that mine is the only computer in a 30 mile radius that recognizes Japanese characters.
VIPPING from my neighbours WIFI. Try using WPA next time bitch.
>>64 Here.
When I posted from that university computer, the links to the threads all on the front page had gone purple, as though somebody had already visited them. I wonder if there is another VIPPER at my university. It's in the North of England somewhere.
VIPPING from a motel in COREA. Waiting for a girl to show so that we may making fuck many times.
If she had showed up, perhaps. But she never showed or even called me.
Excuse me, I think >>77-san is thinking too much and not feeling enough.
VIPPING from Marine Ecology lab, A semi-VIP class at best.
I'm not only posting from the middle of a classroom at college, I'm also saving "bad" pictures of a certain shrine maiden in the other tab!
posting from work with a laptop battery that is draining too fast for comfort
This thread isn't very NEET.
I was going to post about how I'm VIPPING while I wait for the bus, but the bus came, so now I'm VIPPING in motion.
Volunteering at the American Red Cross
VIPPING from a hotel room after making sweet, sweet love.
I'm VIPPING in class.
Accounting and Finance.
This class is most certainly not VIP Quality, so I visit SAOVQ.
Art class
In meeting to decide fate of the world. Wish me luck!
Only if you're on the side that's for ending the world by sending out a cute girl to take the form of the person of the person you desire to see most before turning you into tang à la Evangelion. Otherwise I hope you're side loses.
Looks like we'll live to VIP another day
I am VIPPING right before my accounting final, which I should probably be studying for.
I am VIPPING right before my 8:30am Physics final. I am not studying because I find that it doesn't help to cram more information into your head before a test. Wish me luck VIPPERS!
I am at University (I haven't been in a while.) I have to talk with my thesis teacher. I also have biscuits for her. I had to give them to her for Christmas, but then there was a huge snowfall right in the days before Christmas so I had to postpone it because she lives far from University and couldn't come that day for the resulting traffic jams.
Not in COREA anymore, actually. I fucked off back to the States.
Things worked out very well and I was pleased with my final grade(s). Thank you for asking!
Posting from my cisco lab.
I am posting from a friend's house.
brb in class
I am making cables in class.
Posting from Plesioth's hip push
Posting from WAFFLE HOSUE while I should be reading the iliad for class.
Posting from Accounting class. I'm supposed to be reading about the AICPA Objectives, but I would much rather spend my time VIPPING.
Vipping from an extremely VIP Quality place in North Carolina called Boone. Gonna go skiing tomorrow.
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃
Posting from home... when I should be in class. I'm such a rebellious little VIPPER.
bumping to post from a nintendo ds
I keep planning to do it from my college library, but then I chicken out because I'm afraid someone might walk up behind me. No one must know about my Vipping (unless they pay enough ;))
VIPPING from class, wwww
Posting from my apartment. I should be at the gym!
VIPPING from ASP.net classes. Sucks.
VIPPING from Guantanamo Bay
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VIPPING from the library (I'm supervising!)
posting from an university office... where I'm actually working.
VIPPING from a DUMPY little building in beautiful downtown CULVER CITY.
I am posting from home.
It has suddenly become a place I shouldn't be posting from because I have to go to work.
That coffee isn't going to make itself
Posting from work!
Posting from Google.