All of English I now declare "Subject object verb" to be spoken in.
Sentence's point is immediate. I, as before, acknowledge: Japan is superior.
Verbing language weirds
This I don't even what is
Buffalo buffalo buffalo.
Everyone in this thread fails horribly at grammar, except >>5 who probably visits Wikipedia.
The man the chair is on.
I pie like.
I you love.
Can I split infinitives? because I am prepared to boldly go where no VIPPER has gone before
Nice that's
Man dog bites
It w carries out and is
Corea superior nida
SOV languages horrible are.
Something we all agree on can.
Ñòẘ, knòw ẏoû wḫắt ḃadaß ḟor Ēnǵlïsh wøúlḑ bê? Ranḋóḿ âççenţs evèŕÿwhêre thät wøúlḑ bê.