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Despite being socially retarded, I do keep myself in shape.
Despite being almost underweight, I sympathize with fatties.
I have a hard time sometimes. There's so many fat people that say they try so hard or they've tried everything to lose weight, yet this is a bunch of bullshit. They just go to the gym and pick up a pizza or some McDonalds on the way home or they try to be healthy for a week and give up because they didn't see any immediate changes.
also none of them ever drink plain water
it's always gatorade or "fitness"/"vitamin" water
Thank you for posting this. You have insulted my physique, and I will now try to fix my problem.
Despite being a paragon of appropriate BMI, I enjoy being pointed and laughed at by cute SJIS girls, but it's more a sexual fetish than anything.
I have no self control when it comes to food. That is why I am a fatty.
When I used to be fat, I snacked out chips and cookies and all sorts of bad stuff all the time. I would eat when I was bored. So to counter this, I just stopped buying all the bad stuff so I couldn't eat it. I think I went 7 months without buying a bag of chips. Same thing with cutting back on pop, I just stopped buying it and bought water instead.
Dude, water's free. With the money you'd have saved, you could've bought some chips.
I've been loosing weight successfully now that school is out. Hurray for sunshine and exercise.
I am fat but I will commence Operation Anorexia
You'll wanna eat a bit less and eat smarter, but you still want to eat three meals a day, bro. You gotta keep your metabolism up if you wanna lose weight.
That's true. If you cut down to a spoonful of peanut butter a day immediately, you'll be in the hospital getting re-fed before you can even see your ribcage. Anorexia is a long-term investment.
I wish I was the opposite gender so that it would be slightly more acceptable for me to be chubby.
Chubby males are acceptable when you're married. Wives get their man a bit fat so other women don't look at him.
I am overweight and nobody I care about cares about this; I don't care either.
I've lost about 30 lbs since school let out. Disc golf, bicycle rides, and general wandering around all help. But once school starts back up i'll be over weight again. I don't care gimme burger: om nom nom.
Good thing I'm chronically underweight, like a Japanese VIPPER.
I like Mariko Morikawa the way she is the debu pocharu!
I'm overweight, though I'm doing my part to change that. I'm eating less, and better. I'm also excercising, I mostly just jog, do push-ups, sit-ups and squats. I can't afford a gym membership, so its all I can really do.
I'm overweight, and I've been eating less for two weeks with no results. I've been also exercising daily.
While you're out jogging look for heavy things to lift up and down.
Cut down on snacking and stop drinking pop all together!
Eat three meals a day! That includes eating breakfast!
>>28, keep it up! I didn't need no goddamn gym and I lost 50lbs! Do some crunches instead of sit-ups! You'll see better results!!
>>29, it's gonna take a little more than two weeks to see results! Slow weight loss is healthy weight loss! Keep at it, we believe in you!!
Are pancakes good to go? For the last year most of my dinners consisted of three strawberry pancakes.
The nutritional information on my box of Aunt Jemima mix says you're in the clear!!
It's good to be fat you never know when the food will stop comming! The fat people will live longer. Also you might say duhh we'll eat them! No, they'll probably eat the skinnys first.
Who'd wanna eat fat people? It'd be like chewing on a fatty steak. I want meat, not fat.
They'll have muscles beneath the blubber. And we need to make candles somehow, don't we.
( ’ヮ‘)ノッ Let's motivate each other!
>>38 fat mixed with methanol creates some very good diesel fuel. We could buy a diesel backup generator for VIP and never this forum go down because of a power outage!
We could sticker "This Bus Runs on Human Lard" on the backside of buses that ran on the end product.