I dislike instant messaging programmes. Besides, we already have a VIP quality IRC (which I am afraid to join).
Well the problem with IRC is that no one actually talks in it, also everyone knows each other so it's hard to get into. A one hour chat makes it easier and more interesting.
Also it doesn't necessarily have to be AIM.
This sounds like it has potential. You can count on me to be there this weekend
We could use the SAOVQ steam group chat. The only issue is having to invite each person individually, so you'd have to sign up ahead of time.
That's a possibility although I'm assuming not all of us have steam. I wonder if there is some easy to use chat client? Either way I'll be there, this sounds interesting.
http://www.meebo.com/ (no install, all in the browser).
Also I checked the webchat we used a few times for the (possibly still alive) game project, lingr.com, but the site seems down. Always sad to see start-ups with absolutely no business model at all going down.
Alright meebo sounds good. Can people without a meebo account access the meebo chat rooms?
You need an account with something. But how about we just go on the IRC channel through http://www.mibbit.com/ ? No hassle or registration.
Okay that sounds good, let's all meet on a new IRC channel specifically for VIP CLUB via mibbit then.
How about we just have a scheduled VIP CHAT HOUR in the IRC channel. This means more people, and more people who're unfamiliar.
This might work. I was mostly worried about people being intimidated talking to people who had previous connections to each other or excluded. A new IRC channel would also help us avoid people that may be in the SAOVQ irc for nonVIP reasons. I really have little experience with the IRC channel though, the few times I went it didn't seem very VIP. Any ideas? If using the IRC channel is what you think is best then yeah let's do that.
You must be the QUALITY you want to see in the world, dear VIPPER.
Okay going to make an executive decision. This is the official meeting place/time unless there are lots of complaints:
We'll be meeting on IRC on EFNet (irc.efnet.net) in channel #VIPCLUB at 9:30PM EST every Sunday.
Use http://www.mibbit.com/ if you do not have an IRC client!
I recommend that we only meet there during the allotted time (do not sit and idle there each day, that ruins the purpose). We will meet, talk for an hour or so and then get off. Let's have some fun chatting with VIPPERs!
9.30 PM EST --> I will never be there.
Sounds good to me.
Why has no-one even mentioned http://groups.im
I'm assuming because it requires an account and cannot be done entirely spontaneously. I suggest we stick with the original suggestion just for now then we can change after the first meeting if necessary.
Rizon wins for being the largest network run by a convicted felon
Okay this it FOR REAL, ignore the other post:
We'll be meeting on IRC on Rizon (irc.rizon.net) in channel #VIPCLUB at 9:30PM EST every Sunday.
Use http://www.mibbit.com/ if you do not have an IRC client!
I recommend that we only meet there during the allotted time (do not sit and idle there each day, that ruins the purpose). We will meet, talk for an hour or so and then get off. Let's have some fun chatting with VIPPERs!
I'm in. That will be my first IRC and I am asocial and so excited.
I promise that I will do my best to try to remember to attend.
I promise that I will do my best to be high and slightly drunk when I attend.
I can't promise anything ahead of time, but I will try to be there if possible.
British VIPPER here, I will try my best to stay awake long enough to attend.
See you guys at 9:30PM EST!
It's 4:30 AM in GMT+1land. Please pretend I was here.
>>35 here, I hate how college starts tomorrow...
Nevertheless, I shall attend!
College doesn't start tomorrow in my GMT+1land, but I will sacrifice my night to be there.
I thought it was 2:30 AM in GMT+1. That's what my phone told me anyway, and it always tells me the right time to watch Japanese TV.
I have assigned a bot to #VIPCLUB on rizon and registered the channel as well, so no malicious person can take it.
since I always lurk on irc, it is easy for me to lurk there right now as well.
I'm nervous.
This is worse than the middle school dance at Sacred Heart.
Awkward-silence and blank-stares have joined the room.
Making VIPPER friends? I'm not going to modest, the thought had crossed my mind before.
We've been discussing moving the time back so that European VIPPERs don't have to get up at 4:00 AM to join in.
Well it seems like it is over for now. Maybe moving it to Saturday may make it more of a realistic way for more to meet up?
It was fun, VIPPERs, I enjoyed that short time we had.
I meant to come but I fell asleep after watching Kamen Rider W.
I was going to tell you VIPPERs about the guy's totally sweet hat...
I meant to come too, but I got caught up in a game of Soul Blade. I'll do better next time.
I wanted to come, too, but I found myself having a bad case of not being American and sleeping.
Same here - therefore, I second the idea of moving VIP quality chat to Saturday.
Does everyone agree that a Saturday VIP chat would be easier for other people to join in on?
Saturday, and could it possibly be one hour earlier?
If it is to be arranged for a Saturday, I do not mind when it takes place. However, for those that want it slightly earlier, that is good too.
I would also enjoy a Saturday VIPCLUB meeting. If we move it to Saturday, it could even be during the American day, so as to not ruin our international VIPPER's sleep schedules.
I missed it becuase I had to work. I'm off this Satuday though, so unless something comes up I can be there if we change it to Saturday.
I won't make any promises.
How does Saturday at 12:00 PM PST/3:00 PM EST/8:00 PM GMT sound for everyone?
Let's have a chat on Saturday!
Fine for me.
That will technically be 04:00 here in Corea, but I guess I'll bear with it.
I'm sorry, VIPPER. It's a shame we have to miss you, but it's difficult to work out a schedule that accommodates European, AMERIKKKAN, and East Asian VIPPERS.
If we are really committed to holding only on chat a week, maybe we should have three rotating chat times so that everybody will have the opportunity to chat at least two weeks out of three.
It is 3PM EST on Saturday, where is everyone? I am alone orz
I completely forgot, even though I'm the one who suggested the time in the first place.
I'd jump right in, but I have to eat my first meal of the day or I'll die of hunger.
I'll be there to apologize profusely in about 15 minutes.
This time I forgot because I was playing Megaman.
I don't even like Megaman. R(`DL)É
Honestly I was playing Touhou, and didn't realize we had changed it to 3:00pm instead of at night. Sorry...
Oh god I forgot too, I was too busy listening to chiptunes and slowly tidying my room.
How could you not like Megaman?
Any plans for some VIP QUALITY chatting?
I'm up for it. I missed all the other chats, but I'm not doing anything tonight, so I'll be able to make it.
So VIP chat will be TODAY at 3:00PM EST. I believe.
That was pretty enjoyable, we got to talk about CURRY.
Come for the chat, stay for the awkward silences.
I was hungover again. I feel very un-VIP.
On a related note, when I wear my VIPPER shirt to parties I just get "YOU SPELLED VIPER WRONG"
It was a pretty good chat, although since I went to get coffee and ended up talking to my parents about stuff, I missed the last 20 minutes or so.
I wear my VIPPER shirt on the hopes that someone will recognize it and talk to me.
Do people want to stay with the 3:00 EST time, or do we want to go back to 9:00 EST?
I enjoyed talking with the people who came to both chats, so I don't really feel qualified to choose.
I like the one that involves me being still awake. Regardless I only managed to catch the first event ;_;
Finally, I will be there this week. What's the time?
Let's keep the one at 3:00 EST, in the interest of consistency, and then also do one at 9:00 EST (both this Saturday) to see how that works.
(I know having two kind of goes against the "once a week" thing, but my heart bleeds for KOREA-SAN.)
How about expressing these times relative to UTC. American timezones give me headaches.
Wait, what?
EST is GMT-5, and 3:00 + 5 is 8:00 (or 20, not 19). This is making me mad.
EST areas are currently on daylight saving time, so it's UTC-4, although if you're in the UK it's still 20:00 for you because we're in daylight saving as well.
I think. Daylight saving is evil and was probably invented by JEWS.
That's why I didn't want to do the conversion in the first place. Wikipedia doesn't even make it clear whether Europeans use daylight saving/summer time or if it's just a cruel joke they play on Americans who are trying to convert between time zones between April and October.
But, yeah, 12:00 PST/15:00 EST/19:00 UTC/20:00 in the UK for the first one, 6:00 PST/9:00 EST/1:00 UTC/2:00 UK time for the second one.
I can't join chat through my phone because my ip is blacklisted and my older brother takes my place at the computer whenever he pleases ;_;.
We should express time relative to whatever it is SAOVQ is set up to use
Where is everyone? ;_;
( ß -ß) Every time we set up a chat time, something happens so I can't make it. I've never made it as of yet. Ah well, theres always next week.
I might catch the second chat.
It is now on Saturdays at 3:00pm EST. However, I propose we have two chats over he weekend (Sat and Sun) because people seem to be missing the time slot.
I say someone makes a page with a tacky javascript countdown and decorative gifs.
So, 15:00 EST/19:00 GMT/20:00 BST again?
How did the 9:00 EST chat go?
It's a shame we haven't heard from >>113-san recently.
.ck is $150 for two years. We should take up a collection so we can get hot.vipper.co.ck
I'd be willing to send $50 or so towards such a VIP quality cause.
A fellow VIPPER reported a bug, in which he could not view the page in either Safari or Opera. I, myself, have not been able to recreate this bug. Has anyone else had this problem?
If so, tell me your browser name and version, your OS, and if you are using any kind of extensions or other internet browser enhancing programs, such as download managers or ad-blockers.
It's a meta-chat! Come join and chat about the chat! Why is every chat not very VIP?
It's hard to VIP in real time, at least for high-latency VIPPERs like me.
Mental latency follows different rules than network latency, though.
I've given it many chances, but I don't think I will be coming to any more VIP CHATS
I've sat in on a few VIPchat sessions, and they've largely been both poorly-attended and almost totally dominated by silence. I hate to say it, but I don't think they're really working out.
They've been pretty hit-or-miss, but I'd say the majority of them have been active.
Whether they're VIP or not is certainly questionable, but whether people are talking in them is not.
Well then, guess there's nothing for it but to give them another shot, although some focus in the chats would be nice. Then again, focus could possibly be defeating the point.
Whether the chats are VIP or not seems to be a bizarre and meaningless question to me, though. How would you even begin to define such a thing?
I think the fact that fellow VIPPERs can meet and chat in realtime is what makes this VIP Quality. That's what it is for me, anyway.
Today's chat was awfully quiet.
Oh I missed yet another one. Sorry.
I missed another one too. I was too busy clubbing. Seals.
if VIPPERs are being quiet, finding nothing to say, perhaps having a topic would help. VIPPERs would be encouraged to stay on topic, and within that boundary the freedom of discussion would flourish. If the topic were announced ahead of time, VIPPERs could plan ahead with quotes, links, comebacks, thoughts, opinions, facts and jokes.
I have been unable to update the chat page or attend the chat, due to familial problems, and wont be able to for another week or so, unless I find time between college and work to go to the library. In essence, when the timer says "7days 0Minutes 0Seconds to VIPCHAT", go to VIPCHAT, and chat.
So, how was yesterday's chat? I was unable to make it.
We still have VIP Chats?
>>113-san here,
Actually, I was wondering if anyone wanted to take part in this again.
For those that weren't around during this project , we set a time, where we would have a CHATTING HOUR, once weekly, via IRC.
I enjoyed it quite a bit, and wouldn't mind chatting with my fellow VIPPERs. I constructed a page with a mibbit widget, for those without an IRC application, which has been uploaded here:
That being said, would everyone like to partake in the chat again?
Whoops, added # in my name, forgetting that it would give me a tripcode. My apologies, and apolojuice if you wish it.
As I have been back from COREA for a while and have too much free time, I would like to put forth my support for the revival of the Chat of VIP Quality.
I remember that! How was the trip? You were there for 6 months or so, right?
Just to clarify, #saovq on irc.rizon.net is always there and always VIP. I'm still not particularly sure what makes VIP CHATTING HOUR different, other than perhaps a more VIP pace of conversation than the normal long bouts of silence.
#saovq is definitely NOT VIP. I have only ever had bad experiences there.
I think a revival would be PRETTY COOL.
if there will be a vip chat tonight, i will be there with bells on
Please, tell us what was so unVIP about your past experience in #SAoVQ
We of the Secret Area appreciate your feedback, and will take you information and use it to try to make the channel a happy fun place for all to VIP in!
A few people seemed to be very immature and young, and wanted a lot of attention constantly. There were various 4c**n memes talked about, among other things. I'd rather not go into it. It's fine if you enjoy it though, I just have had bad experiences.
I haven't used IRC since I had a VMS account. Actually, now that I think about it, I still have a VMS account, not sure if I remember the login...
I don't like how IRC is basically prog and no one really cares about anything VIP related other than posting AA faces or something. Not very VIP at all.
I've had him on ignore for awhile, other than one sided conversations at time it's worked pretty well!
Ok, I guess this is where it stands:
2. But we already have #saovq !
That being said, I am making the decision that VIPCHAT Hour will happen, and if you don't wish to participate, cool beans.
Now there is only the issue of the time and day. Sunday chats seemed to work well, but there's the issue of catering to our users in North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. What times would fit in with our prospective chatter's schedules?
On a final note:
>>132-san, if you have the logs still, I'd love to get a copy of them, for the online log I spoke of.
Empirical observations suggest the IRC channel is never used for levels of quality that would be worth just, you know, posting on the actual boards, or world4ch /vip/, or /prague/, or some such. So it's an "everything but the boards" kind of channel.
There's also the question of how the heck do you scare VIPPERs off anyhow, too much tanasinn or something
Last time I was never able to join since it always happened to fall on a day that I was working. This time round, I'm currently unemployed, so my schedule is pretty open. The only times I'm unavaiable is when I have my internship on Tuesday/Thursday from 7am to roughly 7pm. These times are EST.