ITT we share horrible roommate stories (46)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-16 20:15 [Del]

.       \
.       \      _______
          \   r'´ ̄ ̄ ̄    ̄ ̄ ̄`、::.   ___
   l} 、::       \ヘ,___,_ ______/::.__|    .|___________
   |l  \::      | |             |、:..  | [], _ .|: [ニ]:::::
   |l'-,、イ\:   | |    ∧,,,∧ .   |::..   ヘ ̄ ̄,/:::(__)::
   |l  ´ヽ,ノ:   | |   (´・ω・`)    ,l、:::     ̄ ̄::::::::::::::::
   |l    | :|    | |,r'",´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ、l:::::
   |l.,\\| :|    | ,'        :::::...  ..::ll::::   Every morning my first college
   |l    | :|    | |         :::::::... . .:::|l::::   roommate listened to awful
   |l__,,| :|    | |         ::::....  ..:::|l::::   christian rock.
   |l ̄`~~| :|    | |             |l::::   He entire music library consisted
   |l    | :|    | |             |l::::   Of two christian rock albums,
   |l    | :|    | |   ''"´         |l::::   After four months of listening
   |l \\[]:|    | |              |l::::   to these albums over and over.
   |l   ィ'´~ヽ  | |           ``'   |l::::   I increased the voltage going
   |l-''´ヽ,/::   | |   ''"´         |l::::    to his cd player's laser
   |l  /::      | \,'´____..:::::::::::::::_`l__,イ::::   to make it self-destruct.
   l}ィ::        |  ´::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::´::::::   i regret nothing.

2 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-16 20:23 [Del]

( ・▲・) My one friend's roommate also was into infantilism
( ∪ ∪   And left shit-filled diapers in the trash
と__)__) whatup

3 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-16 20:56 [Del]

Unemployed for the better part of 2 years until finally getting a job last year. Steady work, but he's been paying back old debts from when everything collapsed from his divorce, so he hasn't been able to pay much towards rent and all that.

Oh yeah, and he's my Dad. ('A`)

4 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-16 22:29 [Del]

(╬ ಠ益ಠ) I had a bunch of black roomates my senior year of college. They met and exceeded every negative stereotype you can think of. 'Borrowing' my stuff without asking, blasting their shitty music all night, cranking the thermostat way up, screaming 'nigga' at each other, watching movies while I was trying to sleep, never cleaning the bathroom, and generally making a mess of the room. When I graduated, I was more excited to get away from them than I was about getting my degree.

Never let the university choose your roomates for you, fellow VIPPERS.

5 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 04:56 [Del]

I'm going to college soon. I hope I won't have any stories to contribute to this thread.

6 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 05:07 [Del]

I'm moving into a flat with a friend soon.

I think I'm the bad roommate, since the only reason we haven't moved in yet is because it has taken me so long to get my references together.

7 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 11:31 [Del]

My first roommate moved out after a week because he "wasn't comfortable around me".

My second roommate was only in the room long enough to dump shit all over my stuff and leave a huge pile of shoes in the middle of the floor, my suitemates would routinely break into my room for no reason and blast shitty music at all hours.

My third roommate was into death metal and had a guitar he would practice on for hours a day, he also enjoyed listening to his music at a wholly inappropriate level without headphones, after I offered him some. He dropped out after spring break but left most of his stuff in the room and didn't tell me he was dropping out. My suitemates were also the typical hooting jackass rednecks that yell racial slurs at you on xbox live and played loud music till 3 am so loud I thought cars in the parking lot were having some sort of music-off every night. They also made it a habit to trash the bathroom and leave dishes in the sink so it was cockroach infested by the end of the year.

My current roommate is okay... SO FAR. I can foresee this relationship of ours deteriorating rather quickly though.

I'm kind of hoping I'm cursed or something and he just moves out like everyone else.

8 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 14:46 [Del]


don't worry VIPPER you can't go through college without having some bad experiences!

just don't go being an immediate dick to your roommate expecting him to be awful, otherwise you might appear in this thread

9 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 18:35 [Del]

I wish I could have a room mate, but I am poor and go to a COMMUNITY COLLEGE ('A`)

10 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 18:44 [Del]

I had a temporary roommate before moving into my official room (which is actually a single!). He barely spoke any English at all and we had little interaction other than an initial encounter where we introduced ourselves etc. It was pretty hot in the room and when I went to shake his hand he had the world's wettest hand. It was soaking wet as if he had just run water all over it but it was sticky watery sweat. It could have been a liter of pure sweat.

11 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 18:59 [Del]

My first roommate went onto my computer and read my facebook messages. My second roommate talked about the feelings of flowers.

One girl on my floor was a compulsive liar. The first story she told on the first night of college was about how her friends threw her a hs graduation party. Someone sprinkled heroine or cocaine, or a mixture of both, into her beer and then she went blind. The party was at a friend's house and the parents rushed her to the hospital where she had invasive surgery. The friend's parents paid for the operation and lied to her parents about staying over for an extra night (to accommodate for the surgery). Her parents somehow, magically never found out. She ended the story with a good old fashioned, condescending: "That's why I stay away from hard drugs now."

Another girl went to a school sanctioned costume party with black paint on her face because she was going as Whitney Houston. She had no idea what she was doing.

12 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 19:01 [Del]

I am laughing at my own post. AND THEN SHE WENT BLIND!

13 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 21:56 [Del]

wwww Oh god I swear there is one person like this in every community. There was some guy in one of my classes who would always brag about he was a spy and he just couldn't tell anyone. You would think he's just joking but he's not.

14 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 22:53 [Del]

My first roommate was cool and I'm still friends with him although we don't talk as much anymore.

I knew my second roommate hated me and everyone else in the house, but I didn't know how bad. I found out after the fact that he had kept a blog and bitched about us to the internet by our names. And people commented, and he had long, rude, ignorant conversations with strangers online about how we were such terrible people.

15 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-19 17:18 [Del]

Man reading this thread kind of makes me happy I just go to a community college and still live with my parents...

No, I don't live in the basement.

16 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-19 17:37 [Del]

I have my own room, but there's that guy in the fourth room on the first floor (three other rooms are me and my friends). He is a serious man with two kids that like to bang at my door at 7 in the morning, on Saturday. He also smokes just about everywhere, sometimes making the corridor and the kitchen unusable without an improvisatory gas-mask. He really dislikes any of us, to the point of looking at one of us and spitting on the ground, angry-faced, or doing the old this-staircase-is-mine-in-all-its-width elbow poke thing, except actively seeking my guts with his elbow, even though I flattened myself against the wall to let him pass. Every meeting with him is so awkward, with all that contempt for me. We haven't exchanged a word for a year, and I'm not planning on changing that (and neither does he, it seems).

17 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-19 21:52 [Del]

You need to upgrade, Dear VIPPER. Demand that you move into the bigger basement! And demand a raise on your allowance!

18 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-20 23:52 [Del]

Very b3ta in here

19 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-21 22:14 [Del]

My first roommate was a douchebag who wanted his friend to move in with him. Problem was, we lived in a 2 person dorm that wouldn't accommodate 3 people, so he just packed all my shit up and moved me out one day. That turned out to be okay, though, because my new roommate was a cool guy and we ended up becoming pretty good friends. I unfortunately don't get to talk to him anymore. Those have been and probably will be my only two roommates ever, as I now live in a duplex alone.

20 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-25 07:22 [Del]

OP here! My roommate in this new place is turning out to be a dickhead!

Red flag 1: He invites his girlfriend over to play a power-hour of Halo with him and all he does is spawncamp her over and over and over and make everyone in the room feel uncomfortable.

Red flag 2: He is constantly telling my other roommates that he has absolutely no spare time during the day to cook his own meals or clean the apartment and this is all part of the great tragedy that is "being a law student".

The last straw (last night): He invited a shitboat of people with him to play poker until 4 AM! He set up the table just outside of my door. I wake up at 2 and look out of my door and he asks "ahaha did we interrupt your beauty sleep?" "yes, what the fuck are you doing I have work in 5 hours" "ahaha we'll keep it down". (My mistake here was not saying "No, get these dipshits out and go to bed")
They wake me up at 3 AM, i step out of my room, they don't notice.
4 AM is where I finally throw the door open and he just says "sowwy" like a fucking sperg-tot (he is)

At this point he takes the fucking hint and gets everyone out of the room then places the blame on me for not telling everyone to get out in the first place.

I would have called him out on the "not having enough time thing" but we both know he's bullshitting. Unless your life belongs to someone else from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, you have no grounds to ever say "I am too busy to X,Y,Z".

Next time I think I am just going to beat the shit out of him because he is an un-VIP 25 year old manbaby.

21 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-25 09:58 [Del]


>an un-VIP 25 year old manbaby

I thought I was the only who used the word man-baby! YEH MAN BABIES!!

22 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-25 21:32 [Del]

Do not assault him, as he is a law student and he will sue you and take all your VIP coins.

How will you pay your monthly subscription fee to DADDY COOL without VIP coins?!

23 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-25 22:29 [Del]

Just act like his mother instead and insist that he live up to his responsibilities, and take photos and journals of him to ruin his future career in law.

24 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-25 23:39 [Del]

I narrowly dodged a bullet as far with staying with un-VIP roommates are concerned and I'm now with some friends who are quite VIP.

25 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-26 04:13 [Del]

Wasn't signing in for DADDY COOL's VIP QUALITY services supposed to be a one-time, unrefundable payment?

26 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-26 12:53 [Del]

I got a new house-mate, but I'm still too scared to see him (or is it her?) yet.

27 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-29 03:47 [Del]

Whenever I feel uncomfortable in society, my brain has this tendancy to freeze up, usually turning me into an incoherent moron capable of screwing up the simplest of tasks. This has already caused me problems as I went to pick up the key for my college room(4 pers.) and made a fool of myself at the reception.
I also made my first room-mate insult me because I was trying to fit the key in the wrong doorlock and I disturbed him from his sleep.

28 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-29 08:41 [Del]

That's what he wants you to think.

29 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-29 16:28 [Del]

My new housemate doesn't mind me smoking the ganga, that's enough for me. He likes playing chess too though so we have that in common.

30 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-29 16:35 [Del]

My friend wanted me to move in with him but I couldn't because of funding issues with my university, which sucks for both of us (well especially me because I'm living at home and now unemployed, but never mind that). Anyway, I might go squat with a few friends of mines in another city quite soon if I can find work in that city. I feel bad for him now though because he'll have to find a new roommate.

31 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-30 02:53 [Del]

I'm in my third year of university courses and both of my roomates were friendly, funny, and intelligent people who I am still friends with today. This year I am studying abroad and have no roomate.


32 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 16:59 [Del]

I have a Japanese roommate. He has an amazing grasp of English, despite only having been here for a little less than a year. He has a pretty thick accent, but that's not the problem. The problem is that he is an insufferable bastard who does nothing but lock himself in his room being a drat otaku and watching anime/idol PVs when he's not bugging me about all the noise I make, which is such a lie since I'm only in our flat for about 2 hours a day (not counting my sleeping hours), in which I either study or surf the net with my headphones on. I'm practically quiet as a mouse. He, on the other hand, is watching LUCKY☆STAR or whatever at full blast. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Of course, I confront him about this, and all he does is give me the most threatening of death-stares I have ever seen. As the time passes, I notice a couple of my CDs that I never even play are covered in what are obviously knife slashes on the underside. I let this pass until my imported copy of Tales of Vesperia (PS3) was vandalized not too long ago.

I was going to confront him about this until I noticed 死になさい was etched into the Bluray disc about 50 times. Σ(゜д゜;)

So, my question is: How does one deal a possible murderous, foreign roommate?

33 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 18:08 [Del]

Kill him first and then eat the body. It sounds like he won't be missed, and plus you'll get a nice couple of meals out of it.

34 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 18:55 [Del]

Get his ass thrown out.

35 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 20:58 [Del]

I suggest casually slipping out a「殺すぞ」at least once or twice. Preferably whilst clutching some implement that could be used for such purpose. Then try to corner him somewhere that would be difficult to escape from, and then let him go with a wink and a nod.

Hopefully he should piss his pants and be too big of a pussy to do anything.

36 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 22:28 [Del]


listen to >>34

a douchebag is a douchebag, kick his ass to the curb

37 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 23:58 [Del]

In my freshman year of college, I left my room for roughly 15 minutes. Not a long period of time, but long enough for my roommate to think that getting naked, taking MY computer (his was literally 5 feet away on his desk), sit on my bed, and proceed to start masturbating. I walked in on him and he quickly put pants on and told me he had just started. To this day I hope that was the first and only time he had attempted such a feat.

Interestingly enough, he has been and still is a good friend of mine but now lives in an apartment alone so that he can smoke himself senseless.

38 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-12 15:09 [Del]

I'm actually trying to lose weight. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
I sent him a note with a rather mean-looking drawing of an angry face and 殺すぞ written all over it this morning.
Talking to the super in an hour or so. Hopefully he gets his ass expelled or at least gets me a better roommate.

39 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-19 07:38 [Del]

I've always lived in a single because having a roommate seems to be a bad time.

How else can you VIP whenever you feel like it.

40 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-19 08:22 [Del]

Sometimes I wonder if there are any other VIPPERs at my school, but then I look around and remember, 'No, there aren't any.'

41 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-19 08:29 [Del]


42 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-19 13:43 [Del]

I had an incredibly passive aggressive roommate who kept everything he owned fastidiously tidy. I didn't have a job so I could keep basically everything I owned in my closet and a little box under my bed, but he always gave me these stares like I was living in my own shit.
The funny thing is that he was a massive stoner. He would get into these massive arguments on the phone with his mother about how it was morally wrong for him to have to take a drug test to become a teacher. He tried to make pot tea in a rice cooker in our room. It had to be made with milk, because apparently THC is fat soluble, so he left a pot of weed and hot milk in our room all day. Then he spilled bong water on my clothes.
About a month into the semester one of his friends got busted and expelled, so he moved in with that guy's roommate. Apparently without telling the school, because I never got another roommate after that. Then I lived as a shameless hikkikomori for another semester until they kicked me out.

43 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-19 16:43 [Del]

My roommate is a total pushover. I'm posting from his computer, actually. He wants to check his email but if I tell him "Yeah I'm almost done, buddy" he'll stay in bed and just sigh. No big deal to me. Dude's a sucker, not like that really makes up for all the crap I deal with from him whining about everything.

Oh, here's a story. So this guy's such a horrible roommate loser, his girlfriend came over the other night, but he couldn't take her to dinner because he had to work on his chemistry set, so I offered. Anyhow, we had a great time and ended up making out quite heavily just outside the door. I hope she doesn't leave him because the thrill of it is actually pretty rad-ass. I just wish he'd lighten up a little, ugh, can't wait to have my own place.

44 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-23 06:43 [Del]

goon spotted

45 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-23 07:04 [Del]

You found me

46 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-24 11:55 [Del]

Things were going good with my roommate until last night. He went out partying after getting no sleep the night before and being sick, so of course when he got back here he ended up puking all over himself, his bed, and a little on the carpet. Then he went back to sleep in a puddle of his own puke. This morning he woke up at 9:00 and instead of cleaning it up, he banged around for an hour, left for breakfast and hasn't come back.

I was planning to spend this Saturday chilling out in my room, but I need to escape this smell.

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