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(u ´Д`) < I'm currently using Firefox 3.0.14,
/ つ_つ and some AA characters don't
.人 Y display correctly! I need some VIP
.し'(_ Quality help!
are you sure you have mona installed?
check for real, don't just say "I wouldn't vip without it"
because you might just be vipping without mona.
Thanks for the reply, VIPPER, but I do have Mona installed. The problem isn't really the characters, but rather, how they're positioned. Many of the AA characters appear with dismembered body parts, and some are all together unrecognizable...
OP here. Problem solved; I just have to use IE, because the AA characters don't display well in Firefox or Opera, but they work great on IE.
Try getting the text to 12pt. If that doesn't work, take a screenshot and post it on the imageboard.
In my experience Opera doesn't display AA correctly, but Firefox works fine.
In Firefox, go to preferences and set Mona as the default font at size 12. Than click advanced and make sure the "Allow pages to choose thir own fonts" is unselected. Set the character encoding to Shift JIS. Should work fine.
I wish I could get AA to work in Opera though...
Never mind. After fiddling with the opera:config file I forced every font to Mona and it works correctly now.