[Academia] College Discussion [Suffering] (57)

1 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 14:55 [Del]

(L₯ƒΦ₯`) So, how horrible is everyone's school year so far?
iΏ Ώj

2 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 15:15 [Del]

Hm. I thought that starting in October is what most colleges do. I still have two weeks.

3 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 16:35 [Del]

It's going great!

I missed my college friends and my classes aren't too boring.

4 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 18:36 [Del]

(L₯ƒΦ₯`) I loaded up on too many classes this semester on top of work
iΏ Ώjand so I barely feel like I have time to take a shit. NO TIME FOR SHITS, GONA WRITE A PAPER WHILE POOP IS COMING OUT

5 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 18:45 [Del]

I got into grad school sort of late so every laboratory is full and it doesn't help that I don't have any research experience under my belt.

I'm doing fine in my classes but i feel like such a pariah ( L₯ƒΦ₯` )

6 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 18:58 [Del]

Only one of my classes is inordinately hard. It's an introductory math theory class yet we have launched right into proofs as if we should have known them this whole time!

7 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 20:16 [Del]

I graduated high school three years ago and haven't been doing much in terms of higher education. Just been working day-in, day-out for meager pay.

8 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-17 20:50 [Del]

I'm spending more time on the internet than I ought to, the CS classes are boring powerpoint garbage, the ancient greek and the classics in the 18th-19th centuries classes are amazing and I really wish I had the discipline to make more time for them, and jogging class is death. In sum, ·ΐ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ(߁Νί)„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ!!!!!

9 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-18 11:51 [Del]

My course is finishing early next month (it began in February) but I've already sent in the final assignment. This was through correspondence with a certain British institution.

Looking back on it, I'd say that although there only a few problems with the material in the course ('worsted' in place of 'bested', among other things) the chief problem was the fact that practically all the course materials were hosted on an awkward, minimalist course database in .PDF form, which limited actually following the textbook in any meaningful way to areas within easy reach of a computer. It doesn't help that I don't enjoy reading long book extracts and such straight off the computer screen, and actually printing the materials was usually out of the question (the printer I was using was fairly uncooperative at the best of times, and actually screwed up while I was printing off my final assignment). Complaints aside, it was actually a fairly interesting course and I enjoyed following it.

10 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-18 11:56 [Del]

I'm having funding problems. I find out whether I get to go to uni for the rest of the year on Tuesday. If not, I have to wait until next year to re-apply.

11 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-21 10:24 [Del]

Okay so I just spent about 10 whole minutes trying to figure out what the fuck was going on with my online physics homework because it told me to get the value of the acceleration in g's which is fucking obvious YET IT WASN'T GIVING ME CREDIT FOR MY ANSWER. It took me that whole time to figure out they were using 10m/s^2 for g. Who the fuck uses 10 m/s^2 for g? Are you fucking kidding me? Is it that fuckinghard to type out 9.81? Are you serious? And they don't even god damn bother to put a little disclaimer saying "Hey fucker, you have a calculator and infinite resources available to you at your home computer but you probably would rather just divide this number by 10 and be inaccurate so it's going to be 10 instead of 9.81" Come the fuck on. And then I'm going to lose points for this? I'm going to lose points because they don't have the decency to write down that they are using 10 fucking m/s^2 and waste all of my goddamn time? FUCK

Don't even get me started on the elevator question.

12 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-21 16:27 [Del]

I got my time-table, and it turns out that I'll be having the history lecture at 17:30, after four other lectures (some math, microprocessor programming, and some more cool things). Are they seriously expecting for more then five people to attend? Seriously? Future engineers, on a bloody history lecture, after a grueling day? Do they have any idea what are the capabilities of a student after 16:00? But no, I get the frickin' history at Monday evening, instead of, say, Thursday or Friday, on which I happen to have, well, nothing.
God damn it.

13 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-28 09:07 [Del]

Hello, what is everyone's major?

As for me, it's Physics!

14 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-28 09:18 [Del]

Hello, I am a philosophy major!

15 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-28 20:40 [Del]

I am an engineering major. Are there any questions?

16 Name: VIPPER : 2009-09-30 02:56 [Del]

I'm a history major. I have always loved history, but I have no idea what to do once I graduate!

17 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-07 10:46 [Del]

I just horribly failed a Solid State Chemistry exam! Yes!

18 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-07 10:46 [Del]

Become a famous historian

19 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-07 11:32 [Del]

I'm currently a biology major in a pre-veterinary medicine program but I'm not sure I want to keep that. I love sociology, psychology, and history so in a perfect world I would take a bunch of classes in those areas and then spend the rest of my life studying ANCIENT CULTURES and whatnot, but in real life I would have less of a chance of getting a job than >>16.

20 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-07 12:20 [Del]

I'm a computer science major! However, I have a job in WEB DEVELOPMENT already.

I'm only taking two night classes this semester, but I don't even have time for that. I don't know how I'm going to graduate while I'm working, there's no time.

I actually don't know why I even need a bachelor's degree, if I'm already employed to the point of having credible experience.

Also, my school uses C++ to teach CS. Do not want

21 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-07 12:48 [Del]

As for me, my major is Linguistics. I have never heard of another Linguist VIPPPER.

22 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-07 15:59 [Del]

I'm not one now but I will be next year.

23 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-07 17:35 [Del]

I'm a Neet.

24 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-07 17:49 [Del]

Close enough to Philosophy really. Linguists is neat though

25 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-07 18:20 [Del]

I hope to be taking a Japanese linguistics degree in another two years at SOAS in London.

26 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-07 18:22 [Del]

We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the engineers!
We can, we can, we can, we can, demolish forty beers!
Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, and come along with us!
For we don't give a damn for any old man that don't give a damn for us!

27 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-08 00:36 [Del]

Despite having been at my current school for over a year thus far, I have no idea what to major in, as my actual passions of art and writing would land me nowhere but a damp cardboard box post-graduation.

28 Post deleted by user.

29 Name: 22 : 2009-10-08 08:29 [Del]

Really? That's where I'm hoping to go.

Perhaps we'll meet one day. If so I hope you're a cute girl who will call me senpai.

30 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-08 09:06 [Del]

Marine Biology major.

I'll be VIPPING with the fishes!

31 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-08 09:40 [Del]

I'm sorry to drown your hopes but I'm actually male.
Once again, I apologise.

32 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-08 12:54 [Del]


33 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-08 16:00 [Del]

Another NEET. I sometimes wonder if this experience is many times more educational than anything I could ever learn at the shitty colleges that I have not exercised the option to go to.

34 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-09 03:00 [Del]

I would really argue that you're wrong. But I won't.

35 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-09 15:07 [Del]

He means to say that the study of linguistics that comes out of analytic philosophy (Wittgenstein, Austin, Hart, Searle) is a lot like philosophy. Thus, in which case, >>24 is correct.

36 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-09 16:01 [Del]


37 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-10 00:24 [Del]

(L₯ƒΦ₯`) I have spent the past three years trying to get an associate' degree.
iΏ Ώj I'm only halfway there. Also, I doubt I'll get a job.

38 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 10:53 [Del]

I feel that SAOVQ has a large dichotomy. The people here are either total losers or hard working students. There is no in-between.

>>37 Hello, why has it been so hard for you to NOT fail your classes at Community College?

39 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 13:10 [Del]

In college, first semester, doing very well. I'm actually kind of into the whole education thing, and my classes are all kinda easy, so I'm having fun. The problem is, I'm not really sure if I even have any goals or not, so I'm certainly not advancing towards them. No major, of course. I keep getting told I'll figure it out this year/next year/whenever, but I've been kinda thinking about what I want to do for years already... I'm not sure 1 or 2 more is going to sway me.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just wasting a bunch of other peoples' money. But then I'm like "whatever".iEΝEGj

40 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 16:30 [Del]

I'm a working class Dairy worker so make a space on your fancy chart for me

41 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 16:34 [Del]

What classes do you enjoy most and what classes do you excel at?
Well, I, for one, am proud of your hardwork then VIPPER.

42 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 19:00 [Del]

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@@ @ @ (L₯ƒΦ₯`)@I'm a hard working loser.
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43 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-11 19:07 [Del]

I have friends who have had/are taking classes under Searle. From what I gather, he's a real jackass: required reading is always like 10 of his own books, he's really condescending and doesn't really acknowledge rebuttals to his own work, and TAs all only care about wanting to know if you side with him or not. Also, every book of his has his face on it.

44 Name: 39 : 2009-10-11 21:21 [Del]

So far I'm enjoying my Political Science and easy mode Western Music classes the most. I'm doing really well in everything, since I'm mostly taking easy stuff; I didn't know what to expect coming in, so I wanted to take the easiest route I guess.

I don't really think I could run with music past easy mode, since I'm not actually... good at music. Political Science is a maybe; I really enjoy it, but the issue is what I can do with it. I really have no idea what kind of jobs are waiting for the political scientist of four years, and I don't want to put myself in a situation where I'm getting a useless degree just to "fulfill" myself or whatever.

sage for talking about myself.

45 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-12 06:19 [Del]

Oh, well I mean honestly, college is only going to be as hard as you make it. And Political Science is considered mostly a cakewalk I think. I guess if you're really political do it. Anyways my theory is: passion first, job second. It works out in the end.

46 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-12 06:38 [Del]

I'm doing my second year of law.

47 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-12 15:06 [Del]

I'm too dumb to go to college/uni, so I'm leeching of my upper-class grandparents.

You'd think that'd be cool, but it isn't.

48 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-12 16:19 [Del]

I wish I had the means to be a leech

49 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-12 16:56 [Del]

I don't start my courses til January. So much for graduating early!

50 Name: VIPPER : 2009-10-13 19:54 [Del]

>>49 Same here.
And I keep looking for a job so that I have an excuse not to go to college.

51 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-06 13:20 [Del]


I would leech off of my grandparents, but my ``down-on-her-luck'' aunt and her kids already took all of their money. Damn, there goes my hopes and dreams of being a trust fund NEET...

Anyways, I'm not going to school, but I still believe this is an interesting enough discussion to warrant a bump.

52 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-06 13:24 [Del]

I wish someone in my family was wealthy enough to leech off of.

53 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-06 14:16 [Del]

Hey you fucking tourists trying to get their kid into this stupid shitty school why don't you fuck off. Yeah that's right, fuck off. You are so fucking irritating. Why the fuck is half of my fucking school filled with shitty families who put way too much pressure on stupid fucking shit on their dumb fucking kids? Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.

An entire family of four out for a college tour huh? How fucking nice. The kid pipes up "Daddy, one day I'm gonna go here and make tons of money!" The parents influence of course. God I can't bear to watch.

College is already a place about learning in the most miserable fucking way possible. Walk around and take some fucking classes, be miserable and somehow get through the day. Families should keep the fuck out.

So I'm trying to do some homework and some father next to me says "My daughter is in three varsity sports and has straight A's how are her chances?"

Who the fuck thinks any of that shit is important? Why the fuck are you making your kid such a little shit heel? I want to ask him "Do you really have ANY interest in higher learning? Do you care about anything other than bragging about your little piece of shit cunt of a daughter?" I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.

What this all really means, though, is that academia is a bunch of bullshit, and parents are the fucking worst.

54 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-06 14:42 [Del]

I'm trying to decide whether I should go back to college or drop out completely and... do other things. I also have to decided whether I should stay on my current course or switch to something else or what. orz

Why is everything in life so hard?

55 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-06 15:37 [Del]

Nothing good has come of this thread.

56 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-06 22:32 [Del]


57 Name: VIPPER : 2010-04-07 17:01 [Del]

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