I like an imageboard, that is intended to be full of VIP quality, but it has two or three users possibly samefagging all week long. How can I get more traffic for the site?
I remember the person who started SAoVQ posted on similar VIP QUALITY sites with a link leading to a page with a secret entrance. And here we are today.
How about you take some time to think about what's wrong with this post in the tanasinn chamber.
I suggest you stop posting. Completely. Seriously, please delete SAoVQ and that poor image board from you favorites and don't come back. Just get the hell out of here and there and go find yourself someplace else.
Please lurk more before posting, using terms such as samefagging is seen as really offensive here.
What is with this interruption of VIP Quality this past week or so?
Fellow VIPPERs, I think the blame is ours.
We have seen a sudden lack of VIP Quality; we should be pumping out twice as much quality to make up for it!
I suggest linking to the board in SAoVL so that it may be put to a vote to decide whether it is truly VIP or not
/\:::::(,,・∀・)\ Well this thread is pretty shitty already, I guess I can hang around as much as I'd like.
\/| ̄ U U ̄|\ Thanks >>1-san!
\|. |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Using FORTRAN lingo?
I disapprove.
Boy I wouldn't want to be >>1 right now. That's at least 1500 years in the tanasinn chamber